MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > Why is this loser still relevant and on ...

Why is this loser still relevant and on this site?

He is not a role model, he is not a hero, he is just a piece of shit that would have killed someone or got killed eventually and just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

If his bench/statue was near where I lived I'd drop a garbage bag of shit on it daily with a drone.


The funny thing is that if Floyd had been in prison where he belonged, he'd still be alive. But good riddance. The world is safer and cleaner without him.


Best post ever.


racist much?


What was racist about what he wrote?


him saying he isn't an important topic, thinking he is better than him because he has a different point of view


Where was race even mentioned?


calling him a piece of shit and saying he's not a worthy topic because he had things coming for him is a moronic defense.


Again, where was race mentioned?


ok you win , idiot


So I'm the idiot for completely destroying your false narrative? Only an idiot would think that.


guess Floyd doesn't matter anymore.


Matter how? All lives matter.


stop trolling me and go back to your backwards way of thinking without me


Hahahaha! You're the troll making false posts and painting yourself into a corner.

What backward thinking would that be? Another false narrative.

P.S. A sure sign of a backward thinker is illiteracy....... like yours.


whatever, go back to throwing pieces of shit at a dead person. carry on moron


You have yet to make any sense whatsoever. You're clearly the moron and give absolute proof of that with every response. Walk on home, boy.


ok white sepremist,
go murder dimebag again idiot


More false narrative. How 'bout an example of my "white supremacy"? Are you really such a mental midget that you have to just pull stuff out of your ass?

P.S. If you have even one brain cell, you can get a spell check app so you don't spell supremacist "sepremist" and make yourself look like the last grade you may have completed was 5th.


ok Steve Bannon I hear you loud and clear


Again, how 'bout some examples to qualify your baseless accusations? If you need any help with any of those longer words, just let me know. I'll dumb it down for you.


ok trump, see you in 2024?


Congratulations. 10 posts and you've said absolutely nothing, which is what you are.


you clearly out witted me, I concede your majesty


Smartest thing you've said. I was almost starting to feel bad for you.


you're free to think and say how ever you want


Did I mention race? Nope, I don't care if he was a white meth head that had a statue my statement would still stand. Irrelevant, useless, unimportant, and worthless...all describe FLOYD.


because you're stupid backward bigot


And George is dead and burning in hell.



racist much?more like movie chat is full of Mercia turds like yourself


Did I bring up race? go F yourself. Floyd is a useless piece of shit even as worm food.


I'm not giving you the satisfaction, you can read the thread that your Nazi friend chilone made defending you.


What basis do you have in calling me a nazi? Answer: No basis whatsoever. Why? Because you're an illiterate, leftist moron with NO ARGUMENT WHATSOEVER, so being the mindless leftist drone that you are, your default is to resort to baseless name calling. You are a true idiot. And yes, I do have basis for calling you that as evidenced by all your self owning in this thread. You really should just shut up. You're making a fool of yourself.


ok have fun watching Fox news bro


Do you even understand how stupid you're making yourself look? You accuse people of something with no basis or evidence for you accusation at all, then when you get called on it, you can't even defend yourself. Typical brainless, leftist lowlife.


ok see you at the trump rally


You're like a babbling four year old, screaming out racist! nazi! and white "sepremist" as you put it because you're too stupid to know "sepremist" isn't even a word. Your leftist buddies should be mad at you for making them look stupid but they're not because they're also stupid.


Because you are trying to keep him relevant by commenting about him on the internet.

If you want to vandalize one of the various memorials dedicated to him, you will need to stand in line as other racist creeps are doing what you want to do.


He is not a role model, he is not a hero, he is just a piece of shit that would have killed someone or got killed eventually and just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Because he's the best the left can get. Ideally, the leftist racists who are promoting white supremacy would have preferred the that the cops just stopped their car when they saw a black man on the way to bible class, or volunteering at the soup kitchen, or maybe just coming home from work, and jumped out and summarily executed him. Of course, cops don't do this so the left had to settle for Mr. Floyd - a con with a long criminal record.


maybe because he died unjustly moron?


If you think that's the reason you're kidding yourself. I've seen white thugs die under the same circumstances and no monuments are erected in their memory.


ok , everything is just a conspiracy from those left to take away your right, ok idiot


All this hooplaw over a dead fentanyl addict, so sad...


He’s on this site because IMDB gave him a page. This site mirrors IMDb


Are you just pretending to be stupid? This is the former Internet Movie Database forum. There is a link to the IMDB website that lists 44 links to relevant media credits depicting or relating to George Floyd.

Those links are there for people to search, not for your personal approval.


Do you think George Floyd should be treated as an heroic figure? Statues? Two massive funerals?


Not at all. I assume that you think he should?

Why else would you be commenting in a thread about Floyd's presence on a movie database?


Don't make assumptions. You can just ask. Like I did.

I think Floyd was a mess. A criminal. Never ever should be treated as a hero.

His family is rich now and the city is a total mess and will take decades to recover. Not really thanks to Floyd. But thanks to terrorists like BLM and Antifa and with the help of the MSM and DNC.

You would agree with that?


I already said Floyd was not a hero. WTF are you trolling for?

If the Floyd entry into this database is eliminated, where will you go to bitch about him? I think you're happy to see him on the forum so you can complain.


Well, way to take a stand! He's no hero. Well done!


You got George Floyd on the brain. Stop being his bitch and do something useful for a change.


Gee, I can't imagine why! His death led to so much peace and prosperity for America. And you love America, right?
