MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > His family got $27 million from his deat...

His family got $27 million from his death

When they sued the city, the family got $27 million

If the family could pick between having the $27 million and having George Floyd back, what do you think the family would pick?


I'm sure they would rather have George Floyd still alive then have the $27 million.


I doubt that.


It's called winning the ghetto lottery.


What a pleasant sonofabitch you must be.


Truth is often unpleasant.


That it is


Just to offer a counterpoint — Ive heard Floyd wasn’t known for being the best father / husband. He had a problem with drugs, and often neglected his responsibilities. Would it be so unrealistic to think that his family wasn’t really so attached to him?


Why speculate on something you have no.proof of? That family looked pretty devastated to me last year.


When $27m is on the line you'd look miserable too.


Sounds like TRUMP and the relationship with his wives and children. Not the best husband and father. And then there are the ongoing, never-ending stories about his cocaine use.


Hey dimwit doggie, this thread is about George Floyd, not your obsession, Trump.


You're right - it sounds just like Trump and his relationship with his wives and children (except his mistress Ivanka).


Sounds like many people.. but this topic has nothing to do with your TDS.


You're right - it sounds just like Trump and his relationship with his wives and children (except his mistress Ivanka).


You're so lost...


I do not believe that for one second. George Floyd was not exceptional at anything, even at being a thief. But we are meant to believe he was a great man. All for show. He was a third rate thief who should not have died but because of liberals his death made his family rich, at Minnesota taxpayer expense, and caused massive criminal activity and murders in Minnesota. Yes, liberals have done a great job at turning Minneapolis into a shithole. But at least Floyd's family is rich now. They deserve it. George Floyd would have made them millions in counterfeit money.
It's even more insulting when you consider how many cops and firefighters and soldiers died for noble reasons and their families didn't receive more than $50K.
And this moron's family is filthy rich now. It's really disgusting. If they had ANY decency, they would have refused it.


They should have given the money to social organizations


It's not your fucking business what they do with the goddamned money.


They'll be broke is a couple of years tops.


"Whereof we cannot speak, we therefore must pass over in silence."

In other words, you're making a "prediction" based on your own racist ideas that black people can't be responsible with money.


No, Metaracist. I'm making a prediction based on reality. A large percentage of lower and even middle income people of all colors, etc., who come into large sums of money usually waste it.


If they are related to George Floyd they have the same genetics that made him such a financial success and will triple the money in a few months.


But it's your business to comment my say I guess ...

At all events, it was a sarcasm because BLM and other people want to defund the police and give the money to social organization.

I don't know Floyd's family but they didn't seem very helpful with their brother when he was having a hard time in the past. But they were very prone to be everywhere after his death. And now $27 millions. That's a ridiculous sum of money. I guess Floyd was the right place (not for him but for his beloved family) at the right time (racial downward).


By saying "should not have died", did you actually mean, "should not have been murdered by the Police" while starring in their own snuff video?

I'm fairly certain that police, firefighters and soldiers don't do their jobs so that their families will be entitled to life insurance. I did not serve in the military for the life insurance benefits.

I don't feel insulted by the payout to the Floyd family. I think it is insulting that the Minneapolis PD only fired Chauvin and did not arrest him; like they were just washing their hands of the matter. It was up to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to actually arrest the officers who killed Floyd.

What has the Floyd family done with the money that was not decent in your opinion?


You don't feel insulted that his family got $27 million when he was little more than a criminal? You should. Because that is money that would be much better spent elsewhere. Can you think of a better way to spend $27 million in the Twin Cities? No? Really? Give it to a family that produced a career criminal?

And how come so many of these black 'victims' are criminals with a long track record? Do you never stop and think maybe there is something wrong with the black American family where they are habitually producing children who go on to commit violent crimes?

But it's always dismissed. Michael Brown was a 'gentle giant'! George Floyd was a SAINT!

Remember when that gang of black kids stabbed a white college girl to death? Did her family get millions for that? Did BLM protest her death? They could have at least looted the local Target stores. Well, they do that anyways any more when they need extra cash.

This is what MLK envisioned? His message is dead to most black Americans, they are so ignorant of it.


That money wasn't dished out just because he died, it was because the city kept a dirty cop on the force and only fired him after he murdered a man, just because he could.

Why is it you only seem to have a problem with black people? Did you have a problem with the city paying out money for the killing of Justine Damond? The payment was made because the police killed someone they should not have.


Because black people are loud, obnoxious and violent. No one else needs a day on campus just for them to the point they harass white professors to leave. No one else needs a special National Anthem just for them. No one else needs a special Juneteenth day just for them. No one else advocates segregation. No one else harasses other students when they are offended like they do. They create Black Lives Matter but they don't recognize more than 90% of black people are killed by other black people. Instead they blame the police.
It's like dealing with spoiled children.
Oh, you can't say the N word but we can. We took it back and redefined it. But if you white people say it we can kill you!
Black people need to grow the hell up. It's that simple.


That is a rather broad brush you're painting with. You really think that the people reading your post are stupid enough to believe that only blacks want segregation?

Black Lives matter was created in part because "all men are created equal" did not include black people for a the longest time.


I don't see anyone else demanding a separate graduation ceremony just for white people. Only black people want that. They are like little spoiled children who must have their way all the time. Or they literally throw a temper tantrum.


So it was not white people demanding that schools remain segregated? How you do manage to function at all being so blind and stupid?


1957? Are you a troll?




More like $40 million. There was a $13 million GoFundMe also.


I wonder how many of the wrongful death lawsuits spawned by the building collapse in Florida will approach that kind of settlement.


It will probably be a class action and will dwarf the Floyd settlement in total, though each individual family will get much less than the Floyd family.


I saw a report last evening of a lawsuit already having been filed but don't know any specifics. I've also been speculating about a class action suit and I agree each family will probably get less than the Floyds. That was the point of my comparison, to show the disparity.


Yes, but let's not forget the lost potential of this fine young man. Surely that's worth $40 million.


However the City of Minneapolis justifies the amount, they can never justify the timing of the announcement. Doing it on the eve of Chauvin's trial was beyond inappropriate, it was borderline obstruction of justice/jury tampering.


I watched that entire trial live and remember that seriously angering the judge.


I suspect their "justification" had more to do with mitigating destruction by the rioters - rioters who have been given the official OK to protest "peacefully'...


Why? This shit stain wasn’t worth the fake $20 he tried to pass off.


They would want the money.


40 millions.
I repeat: 40 millions.


thats a lot of millions...


Cool. Now they can invest a little in local drug trafficking. There must be a shortage since our hero died.


How did Minneapolis arrive at this amount? $27 Million an IQ point?


A classic case of somebody being worth more dead than alive, if ever there was one.


Like George Bailey….now there was a real human who cared for his family…
