
For those who strongly believe in AGW, what are you doing about it? That is, what lifestyle changes have you made to lessen your carbon footprint?

I'm an AGW skeptic (not denier) and I drive less and have reduced my usage of electricity.

What are you doing?


I constantly burn coal.






you are a kardashian / Jenner ?


I cool my house by having 5 refrigerators I keep open at all times. When it gets too cold I turn on 25 hair-dryers.


I flush the toilet once a month.


Whether it needs it or not?




This isnt how it works. but please elaborate. even if 5% or 10% or even 20% of individuals made a concerted effort. that's not the issue. its how the entire economy and society operates.

you "logic" makes no sense


I bet you still take hot showers and flush your poop and tp.


I'm a denier.

Screech away......


To the Greta supporters here, I'll repeat the question from my OP: what are you doing to reduce or lessen your carbon footprint?

Are you taking practical steps or is just sitting at your keyboards, making people 'aware' and virtue signalling your sole contribution to the effort?


To the Greta supporters here, I'll repeat the question from my OP: what are you doing to reduce or lessen your carbon footprint?

Are you taking practical steps or is just sitting at your keyboards, making people 'aware' and virtue signalling your sole contribution to the effort?

After over two weeks, still no answer from the AGW (Greta) supporters here. Odd. They must not be quite as virtuous as they want people to think they are.


I quit smoking. (seriously)


Over three weeks and not a single serious answer to the question posed in the OP. Instead, all I have seen is a bunch of virtue signalling.


Did you actually expect one?

These are the same idiots that celebrate Leo flying over the world on private jets, and Greta spilling millions of gasoline into the ocean sailing around the world.


No, I didn't; not really. The majority of the AGW advocates here seem to think that all they have to do is 'raise awareness'* of climate change and by doing this, they have done their part. So, having done this, they can now feel that that is sufficient.

Look, I'm a skeptic as far as AGW is concerned, and I have taken positive steps by driving less and using less electricity. What has any of the Greta acolytes done? I mean other than sit at their keyboards and feel superior by telling everyone else how bad they are due to their not worshiping at the feet of St. Greta?

*IOW signal their own virtue


Who gave a "virtue signalling" answer in this thread? Ever heard of a concept called "sarcasm"?


Who gave a "virtue signalling" answer in this thread? Ever heard of a concept called "sarcasm"?
I meant in other threads. People are saying how much they agree with St. Greta and that the eco-systems are all in grave danger and that human activity is for certain the cause. That's the virtue signalling that I see on this board. Then when I ask what concrete physical steps they are taking, I get nothing. It is almost as though people think that agreeing with Greta is enough.

That's what I mean by 'virtue signalling': people proclaiming how much they agree with her but don't seem to want to be TOO inconvenienced, beyond that.

And yes, I am very familiar with sarcasm. I wish that you were.


I make sure I replace all my empty water bottles with filled ones.
