I wonder how much money this girl or her parents are getting from Soros?
It's an alarming thought that she might be paid by Soros.
shareIt's an alarming thought that she might be paid by Soros.
shareYou're projecting. Right-wingers are by definition corrupt, selfish and venal, so they cannot understand altruism or sharing. Essentially, your brains are too limited to comprehend such concepts. Therefore, when someone does something selfless, or believes something that is motivated by goodness of heart, you assume that they are as dim-witted, greedy and hateful as you, because you lack the imagination to see it in any other light.
Sucks to be you.
Funny, a lot of people are saying that about lefties. And, since we're name calling, isn't that what social justice warriors are against. Also, I was under the impression that social justice warriors/liberals were all about fairness and democracy, yet, they denounce anyone who has different opinions as 'right wingers". So, you just exposed your hypocrisy. Suck to be you because you're too stupid know that you're a blind sheep.
shareShe's making money by speaking (AKA reading scripts) engagements.
shareShe doesn't have to be aware that she is a useful idiot, in fact that is the norm.
shareWho is that dude?