MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > I wonder how much money this girl or her...

I wonder how much money this girl or her parents are getting from Soros?

It's an alarming thought that she might be paid by Soros.


That is a good question.


In Sweden, Just One in Sixteen New Migrants Have a Job That Isn’t Being Subsidised by Taxpayers


Don't worry welfare and Allah will provide.


According to the opinion polls, Sweden is about ready to expel these migrants by voting in a what the lefties call 'far rights'.


Gee and how many bombings/rapes had to occur before those idiots realized cultural integration from nations with sub-90 IQs wasn't going to work?


Now that is what a lot of people are saying. It wouldn't be hard to rid the nation of the filth either. Just start massive deportations. Those who are already citizens could be paid to leave or monitored closely, and forced to assimilate. Islam could be banned. In the US, I understand they have freedom of religion but that is freedom to choose any branch of Christianity.


deportations, yes..... the return back home tour:

look at the scumbags in the crowd..... and sweden has a million of them! smh


Only freedom to choose any branch of Christianity in US. Where did you get that? Fairy Tales R Us?


Oh man, you had to work really hard for that mediocre response didn't you? Your name tells a lot about you.


I mean seriously, did you make that up? Do you have proof or do you just find that idea convenient so you just go with it? Probably the latter.


Uh actually, I think if you applied some critical thinking and some research, you would be surprised with what you discover.


The US Constitution does not forbid the individual from practising any religion that is not a form of Christianity.


I think this person is trolling for attention or the LOLZ.


He made the statement based on the intent of the founding fathers. If you think about it, the founding fathers never in their wildest dreams would have expected to have muslims or scientologists in the US, hell Jefferson viewed the muslims as enemies and even went US naval ships to fight them when he was President. Now at this point the only way to fix the problem is to pass a Constitutional amendment that dictates what religions are acceptable in the US, because as time goes on you get more and more complete bullshit things popping up like Pastafarians... at some point you have to draw line to stop the stupidity. We need that line in the US now, because the framers of the Constitution had no clue what would happen if they didn't specify their intent.


It was never stated in the constitution that any religion was unacceptable, therefore congress can't make a law that prohibits Islam in the US. If an amendment is added that prohibits Islam or any other religion that isn't a form of Christianity, then the freedom of religion part is meaningless and the US becomes a dictatorship.

I bet you think that atheism should be banned as well because apparently not believing in silly fairy tales (which every single religion is respectively) makes us immoral scum.


Your wrong. I have no problem with atheism. My only problem is with "religions" that either have a belief that they must convert by any means possible or kill (as in Islam if you bother to read the koran) or any new religion because the newest ones are really cults like Scientology or Aum Shinrikyo... Frankly I don't even see an issue with hinduism, budismo or any of the old religious belief so long as they aren't pushing violence.

As for adding an amendment that defines what a religion is, that doesn't make the country a dictatorship. You might need to go look up the word so you know what you are talking about.


How dare you!


What's really amazing is that we can track down, identify, and drone strike muzzy after muzzy attending weddings in the remotest shitholes in the Middle East, but we can't seem to track down and drone strike one of the wealthiest financial terrorists jet setting around the world.

You might want to ask yourself, 'Why is he getting a pass?'.


You made a pretty damn good point there!


Evidently it's enough to make her family rich enough to keep sending her money to go yell at world leaders stupid enough to listen. She didn't get that money to travel on her own.


As long as he doesn't stop sending ME money, I don't care. The guy is propping up a small nation with his charity. How awful.


Wow! I thought social justice warriors were supposed to be unselfish.


She is making enough that she can go outside without getting raped like all the other girls in Sweden.


I think the taxpayers in Sweden would like for her to stay in school instead of travelling the world having spasms for the entire population to see.


From what I have heard the average swede is glad she is out of the country causing others problems instead of causing problems in Sweden. They have enough to worry about with the raping hordes of muslims.


I didn't think she was very popular in Sweden.


According to Swedish unemployment statistics, the country’s region with the lowest unemployment is still much higher than the British average as unemployment figures continue to grow.
