Michael Madness Minions (Otherwise known as supporters!)
I would like to offer my support for Michael Weatherly. I may be one voice...but I do know people and the old adage does apply that if I continue to tell one person and they tell one person and so on and so on...now that we have that out of the way.
I find all this negative tripe regarding the most awesome video he made with Sarah Silverman quite ridiculous! I can tell from varied posts that they did not even watch the video much less understand the message that was there.
It is a shame that Michael is apparently not allowed to have an opinion unless it jives with what the naysayers are calling 'Christian'. Frankly I do not see their behavior as being anywhere near Christian and have stated that to them whenever I am offered the chance.
They missed the message of the video completly, which was a shame as it indeed embodied the Christian spirit that they are going on about. But they will continue to hide behind their religious words and continue to encourage, whether by their intention or not, the intolerance and oppression that is unfortunately prevalant everywhere.
I am sorry that you have had to endure more harsh words directed at you and the boycotts and banning that they are attempting to create. You have the right to your own personal opinion as well as the right to speak up for what you believe.
Thank you for not backing down or taking the easy road! You are someone to be admired for you strength and loyalty to friends. Thank you!I for one will offer whatever I am able since your hands will be tied (so to speak) and unable to speak as freely as you might like! No worries...I've got your six!