MovieChat Forums > Barbara Walters Discussion > Brooke Shields slams Barbara Walters for...

Brooke Shields slams Barbara Walters for "practically criminal" interview of her at age 15

In the interview Walters asked "Brooke, what are your measurements?," among other invasive questions in the aftermath of her notorious 1980 Calvin Klein commercial. “That Walters interview is maddening,” Shields told Dax Shepard on his Armchair Expert podcast, according to Mediaite. “It’s practically criminal,” Shields added. “It’s not journalism.” Shields also took exception with Tonight Show host Johnny Carson asking her what she would do if she wasn't an actress. “I looked at him and said, ‘Wow, someone really doesn’t want me to be an actress. Are you trying to tell me something?'” Shields recalled.


Bahbuwuh Bah Bah Washington has done some pretty bad things in her time.

But I would wager that


Protects her.


I don't know what "rule #1" is (though I can guess). Barbara wasnt very good but she was prolific. As for Johnny I don't think his question was off base. I can picture him asking it of m/f actors without discrimination.


That is dumb of Brooke to think Johnny's question was offensive. Considering she has a degree in French Lit I believe, it was reasonable.


Very few of us know what RULE NUMBER ONE is. Why would you write that?


Hollywood has never been a kid friendly place. Her parents let her act in Pretty Baby. The blame lies there.


Thank you for speaking the TRUTH!
