Was the election rigged or not?
What do you think?
shareHanoi Jane(Fonda) said it perfectly the Covid pandemic was a blessing for the Left ...I don't think there was massive fraud but the fact that minorities voted via mail in swing states that is why Trump lost crucial States.For Trump this manipulation of luben masses(Black people that didn't normally vote) was fraud.If the panicdemic never happened Trump would have won in a Landslide or at least he would have won like in 2016.The Supreme court said that Trump's allegations didn't stand end of story.Trump will probably win in 2024 if there is minimal mail-in vote and if a second George Floyd incident doesn't occur to radicalise Black people to vote against the Orange "racist" Drumpf as the Left and the Media portrayed him for 4 years
shareWell Trump wouldn’t be in office leading up to the election so how would a planned George Floyd type killing be spun to help the Democrats? Would blue state governors and mayors let their major cities burn and stand down? Would AntiFA and BLM rack up body counts and be used to intimidate voters?
shareIt wasn't. That would be a monumental task that I don't think anyone is capable of doing.
shareIt was
shareI'm gonna say yes. Just like this scamdemic - the results were built on lie upon another lie.
I don't doubt it at all. The Dems believed they were removing another Hitler. So they did anything to win.
shareThe lasted reports have said there was massive voter fraud in the 5 key swing states. So yes if you base your opinions on facts and evidence.
shareI would say yes.