MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Was the election rigged or not?

Was the election rigged or not?

What do you think?


get the riggers


out rig the riggers


Who Watches the Watchmen

[–] JoWilli (12389) 10 minutes ago
out rig the riggers
In 1985, a man living in a Manhattan apartment watches news about escalating Cold War tensions and the response from five-term President Richard Nixon, when an unknown assailant attacks and hurls him to the street below. Throughout the opening credits, a montage reviews the rise of costumed crime-fighters from 1939 to 1977, culminating in public backlash and the passage of an anti-vigilante act.

Rorschach, a vigilante detective who operates illegally, discovers that the dead man was Edward Blake, better known as "The Comedian", a costumed hero who worked for the government. Suspecting that other vigilantes could be attacked, Rorschach warns members of his former team, the Watchmen. Rorschach's former partner Dan Dreiberg believes he is paranoid but relays his concerns to Adrian Veidt, a crime-fighter turned businessman. Rorschach later visits Doctor Manhattan, a physicist whose accidental superpowers make him a national security asset, but Manhattan is preoccupied with energy research and ignores him."

Casting Call:

The Comedian = Donald J. Trump
Rorschach = Bubbathegut
Adrian Veidt = Roger Stone
Silk Spectre = Melania Trump (Ivanka Trump)
MothMan = JoWilli


MAGA-Republicans still want to investigate the investigators.

Naturally, chief conspiracy theorist Marjorie Taylor Greene weighed on the matter over the weekend, demanding that Speaker Johnson create another January 6 select committee to go after the original panel’s members and exonerate Trump’s supporters.



Pretty remarkable that Biden won nearly 13 million more votes than Barack Obama while winning hundreds fewer counties than Barack Obama. Like it or not, massive cheating is a plausible explanation for such an odd scenario. Otherwise, Biden just happened to get a crazy number of votes from urban areas without cheating. You decide how likely you think that is.


Ask pillow




Democrats have never explained Biden's 2 AM magic leap, nor the 2 AM videos from the same counties, of poll counters pulling boxes out from under tables and counting the ballots inside. So yes, it was rigged.


Talk to Rudy about the boxes


Yes, and the Republicans had so much proof.....


Absolutely not. Trump just plays the victim game. He's long past been debunked. He's not a victim, he's a con artist.


King Con!
