MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Looks like a new sock account has joined...

Looks like a new sock account has joined the forum!

Welcome to the forum Painekiller. Anyone want to take a guess at who’s new sock account this is? Read their posts and you will figure it out in no time.

( Why do these trolls change accounts but not their writing style? )


They're really all the same schtick and style really


They are indeed.


Since I NEVER READ the TOPICS THEY START, and have never had so many of them REPLY back to MY TOPIC, I'm also not that familiar with them.

So WHO is this PK poster that's been ATTACKING me today???


Not telling yet....there's enough clues in their posts where there 'true' identity is revealed (among the layers of socks they use).


I've got one of them on IGNORE because I had about 20 or 30 messages from them that were BASICLLY all saying the SAME THING .

Can you report someone for posting SPAM if they keep REPEATING the same messages to you that many times???


Indeed you can.


Can you report someone for posting SPAM if they keep REPEATING the same messages to you that many times???

Reflexive fascism is all the rage these days - ban, ban, ban!


Blocking spam on a private website = Fascism, are you even trying with your dumb bland anti reality trolling?

Answer: Nope. You're just another substance-free malcontent with nothing to say.


Blocking spam on a private website = Fascism, are you even trying with your dumb bland anti reality trolling?

Answer: Nope. You're just another substance-free malcontent with nothing to say.

Ah yes the old "private website" fascist excuse - you into Twatter and Foolsbook fascism too, dippy?


Ooooh Columbo - freaking have at!


I'm betting if you peeled back all the layers, there are about four trumpers on this board. The rest of sock accounts. Sure feels that way.

If there's one thing this site emulates well from IMDB it's the scores of sock accounts.


I never went near the general board at IMDb but I remember a few crazies from the Dark Shadows board, lol! The regulars there were a lot of older folks who had been the president of fan clubs and stuff like that. One of them sounded like a prop master who helped build sets. They would get sooooo riled! They all went to sitcoms online.

Is the sock dick TH?


Yeah, IMDB was quite crazy. A lot of mentally disturbed people there. Near the end of IMDB's forum tenure, I had about 5 separate stalkers there. Many of them threatened me on numerous occasions and two of them actually continued to stalk me here on Moviechat for a while.

I don't know if it's Thrillhouse or not because I don't know if Thrillhouse is even the originating account. It's a general theory around here that most of these similar-sounding accounts here are the same one or two people.


Yikes! That really sucks that some creeps have to ruin everything! Hope it’s all over now with the stalking. Get a life, people!


There might still be one stalker lurking but I don't have any definitive proof...YET. Thankfully, the morons usually out themselves because of their own stupidity and inability to keep a ruse up for too long. It's only a matter of time before they slip up.


I’ve heard th goes back to imdb but maybe under a different name.


I wouldn't be surprised. Then again--99% of the trolls on IMDB all sounded and behaved exactly the same. This guy could be anyone and no one really.


The creepiest part to me is that there are so many people out there with the time, energy, and motivation no less, to dedicate to such a worthless cause. No wonder we have a baffoon in the WH.


-White Supremacist posts


-Poor spelling/grammar

-"Libs", "Dems", "Hillary", "Obama", "MAGA 2020", "KAG", "TDS" and other key words...of course, 99% of Trumpers online use all of those already, so... (They really are one-trick ponies, aren't the? They whole fcking lot of them)

-Generally a moronic, hot-headed, stupid demeanor


And now, atomicx (3), yet another sock of socks.


This site puts even IMDB to shame with number of sock accounts, I think. This place is a sock free-for-all, it seems.


Yeah the whole "put up with trolls and ignore that the first rule of MovieChat is No Trolling" strategy really starts to backfire over time... oh wait, sorry no, it doesn't backfire, because this is the EXACT result of that equation.

It's sad to see and doesn't reflect well upon certain elements of the site.


Yeah, it was especially bad when I kept reporting Thrillhouse for bumping old thread to bury new ones and the admins wouldn't do anything about it. I don't know if they're doing anything about this sock account situation but, given the current (pathetic) state of this board, I'm guessing not. This board is basically overrun with trolls at this point and most of this troll activity is probably the same two or three people.


They spread their racism and sexism all over this site, too.

I tell you what, if all of us who post against Trump go silent for a while, these trolls would end up focusing on the other boards (especially boards for non-males and non-whites) and start scaring off users all over the site.


Yeah, it's getting quite bad. IMDB was the wild west. THIS site is becoming the dark ages.


What about anti Semitic rants? Aren’t those also a signature theme in the sock drawer?


They are a signature of Thrillhouse. He is the most blatant of the socks.


That’s what I thought. So these stinky old new socks are not TH?


I have no idea. Its hard to tell if they are socks or not because all Trumpers do the same thing which is to complain about the board itself rather than discuss things pertaining to Trump.


And all Trumpers bring up "Obama", "Hillary" and "You libs". ALL of matter WHERE you go on the internet.


Nice try but alas this is a first run through this kiddie pool for me - you leftards have dropped a few too many Baby Ruth bars for it to be a healthy dip though, pity that...


Also, It's better to have a sock account, than jerking off into a sock while crying and thinking about Trump.

like doggiestyle and froggie do



They're more than pathetic, though the lexicon of nouns for insipid failure seems inadequate to fully describe their utterly self-defeating and endless intellectual impotence.


You wrote "leftards". You left your right to call ANYONE pathetic at the door the moment you wrote that, chief. :)


You seem rather well-versed on the subject, given your unique detail in description.


Also, It's better to have a sock account, than jerking off into a sock while crying and thinking about Trump.

like doggiestyle and froggie do



Trust me--us thinking you're a sock account is a compliment to you and you should take it. Better to be the sock of the same idiot than to be branded yet ANOTHER in a LONG list of idiots who support Trump.

You guys all have the exact same writing style and choice phrases. In fact--I've never witness ONE SINGLE TRUMPER online who didn't act like a troll...and that's simply poetic.


Trust me--us thinking you're a sock account is a compliment to you and you should take it. Better to be the sock of the same idiot than to be branded yet ANOTHER in a LONG list of idiots who support Trump.

You guys all have the exact same writing style and choice phrases. In fact--I've never witness ONE SINGLE TRUMPER online who didn't act like a troll...and that's simply poetic.

Given the left is known for some rather simply patterned rhetoric in lieu of factual debate, let alone discussion, your strident little indictment is about as weighty as anything Muler has coughed up on his way to the retirement center...

As for "trolling" - pot/kettle in any political forum, foolish hypocrite.

Now act out for us, spit, fume and complain - it warms the cockles of my patriotic capitalist heart no end!


What are you mentioning the left to me for?

Who's Muler?

Trolling? I actually contribute to political discussion on this site unlike you who is vomiting right wing propaganda and insults all over this site and taking dumps in every thread here. The only troll here is you, Thrillhouse. :)

And newsflash, Thrillhouse: supporting a man who said he trusts a Russian dictator more than our own intelligence agencies isn't very patriotic. In fact, it's the reverse.


What are you mentioning the left to me for?[/quote]

For the sheer unbridled joy of watching your mainspring unwind, duh...;-)

[quote]Who's Muler?[/quote]

Deep state plant.

[quote]Trolling? I actually contribute to political discussion on this site unlike you who is vomiting right wing propaganda and insults all over this site and taking dumps in every thread here. The only troll here is you, Thrillhouse. :)[/quote]

Who is this "Thrillhouse" you speak of and how many times has he/she PWND you here?

Not that it matters, I just know when I begin seeing wheel ruts that my path has been well traveled before...

[quote]And newsflash, Thrillhouse: supporting a man who said he trusts a Russian dictator more than our own intelligence agencies isn't very patriotic. In fact, it's the reverse.

So you "trust" Muler, Brennan, Comey and Clapper?

Let me guess, there was some verse in your copy of "The Satanic Bible" that made it all come clear to you?


Now act out for us, spit, fume and complain - it warms the cockles of my patriotic capitalist heart no end!

And where have we heard that one before? LOL!

Here's the dead give-away to anyone who's wondering who this sock account belongs to !


And where have we heard that one before? LOL!

Here's the dead give-away to anyone who's wondering who this sock account belongs to !

OK I'll fess up, I am the Orange Man on break from Twatter!


And also an ooga booga for emphasis...



That's what's most convincing they are mostly sock accounts from a few people. There's no way there can be that many stupid people all gravitating to this forum - no way. That would besomce scary sh!t for America if they weren't all socks.


Yeah, but the orange cretin has 60 million loyal followers who are willing to kill for him at a moment's notice, so never assume they couldn't drag their knuckles over here.

But, in this case, I think you're right--it's mostly sock accounts. This site isn't well-known enough (no offense, admins) to the general public for that many Trump NAZIs to drag their knuckles over here.


It's true this nation needs NO more treasonous leftard socks, period.

Bad enough you vermin let Soros fill Texas with illegals voting:

Citing one example after another, conservatives have been complaining about voter fraud for years — fraud that, strangely, always seemed to have benefited Democrats.

Now, the head of government monitor Judicial Watch (JW) says he believes that “at least 900,000 illegal aliens” voted in the 2016 election, vindicating POTUS Donald Trump’s concerns shortly after his inauguration that “voter fraud” occurred.

I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2017
even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2017
In a video interview, JW President Tom Fitton said that new figures from Texas and Pennsylvania indicate that foreign nationals have been casting ballots in U.S. elections.


Bad enough you vermin let Soros fill Texas with illegals voting

Wow - you must be going crazy knowing that Russia interfered with our elections to get T-rump in Office, and so far T-rump has done zero to stop it from happening again (hint: so he has a good chance of being re-elected). You patriots must be doing everything in your power to make sure T-rump protects America from Russia interfering further into our elections. We can count on you.


Wow - you must be going crazy knowing that Russia interfered with our elections to get T-rump in Office,

I'm sorry dearie, but Soros is not Russian - he was a former Hungarian property confiscator for the Nazis in fact.

Oh, he also thinks he is God.

Uh huh...


Is it a sock of Wuchakupchuckfuck or whatever the hell his name is? Oh, wait--isn't Wuchakupchuckfuck just a sock account of Thrillhouse?


The paranoia meter is beginning to peg on this one...


LOL! You've got to be kidding, right? I will never click on a single link you give me, you freak. :-|


Oh dear oh dear, the butt hurt is strong in this one, LOL!


you heard her painekiller... she will not click on any of your links (unless you say it's scatporn) libs are on that like flies on shit..... sad, very sad :-(


Her creeping sense of dread perhaps foreshadows the very policies she's endorsed that have this nation in dire straits...not to state the overwhelmingly obvious...

Of course there's precious little downside as the mockery can now proceed apace sans any plaintive squeals of unfairness or foul play - so there's a good thing!



Yeah let's click on unreadable shortened URLS randomly posted by a BLATANT TROLL without even a blurb about what they are.

Are you trying to say you can't comprehend this basic notion of internet safety?

You're a lame infantile ignorant little piece of work. And you're a flagrant racist, sexist misogynist pig, constant whiner, a bitchy spittle-flecking arrogant trolling ball of smoke and mirrors.

You're obviously another sock, of a sock, of a sock, of a sock.... of a sock......

Your echo chamber is PATHETIC AS FUCK, and it's TRANSPARENT AS FUCK, and it makes you look FUCKING MORONIC.


Yeah let's click on unreadable shortened URLS randomly posted by a BLATANT TROLL without even a blurb about what they are.

Are you trying to say you can't comprehend this basic notion of internet safety?

You're a lame infantile ignorant little piece of work. And you're a flagrant racist, sexist misogynist pig, constant whiner, a bitchy spittle-flecking arrogant trolling ball of smoke and mirrors.

You're obviously another sock, of a sock, of a sock, of a sock.... of a sock......

Your echo chamber is PATHETIC AS FUCK, and it's TRANSPARENT AS FUCK, and it makes you look FUCKING MORONIC.

I am getting the very clear sense that you are extremely upset over something, but my wager is that links from Giphy are not the proximate cause, right dearie?

I love the whole "racist" and "sexist" cat-calling shtick too.

Pray tell which races or sexes do you think I'm displeased with - given I've made no commentaries on such thus far?

This will require actual brain mettle, best stand in a bucket of water and apply the electrodes cautiously...

There now, feeling better that the longer links are in?



tom8 has made actual racist and sexist posts here, they are currently available in his profile, AND he trolls, and you know all that because you're using him here to masturbate with.

Also, SEE, no need to post shortened URLs. It's useless to do that. It makes the URL UNREADABLE and it's not like you're posting a huge link that needs shortening.

SEE? SEE? I doubt it.

Your ongoing failures are either moronically deliberate, or you border on having an actual mental condition.


tom8 has made actual racist and sexist posts here, they are currently available in his profile, AND he trolls, and you know all that because you're using him here to masturbate with.[/quote]

I take accountability for myself only when posting - you might try it some day, novel concept it is...

[quote]Also, SEE, no need to post shortened URLs. It's useless to do that. It makes the URL UNREADABLE and it's not like you're posting a huge link that needs shortening.[/quote]

Hey how about a thank you?

You griped, I altered - don't be a dog in the manger.

[quote]SEE? SEE? I doubt it.

Your ongoing failures are either moronically deliberate, or you border on having an actual mental condition.

In essence all you have are petty personal demonizations - which are emblematic of Demotardia at large.

As such it will be my unmitigated joy to make you my personal rhetoric pinata and forcibly dispense further showers of ad hominem and distraction - so mote it be!




And this isn't an isolated incident, as you now know from experience. Some of his more "colorful" post of demeaning & shaming folks that don't hold his opinion have been deleted. I don't know if it was by his own accord or by the ADMIN.

But they were pretty unhinged.

I don't doubt it for a moment, apparently what we see is a programmed ideologue with scant capacity to engage on point, ever - ergo the unfocused personal animus simply must be the key component in his diatribes.

This is classic libitardia, which like Parkinsons is a purely degenerative long term affliction.


"You're a lame infantile ignorant little piece of work. And you're a flagrant racist, sexist misogynist pig, constant whiner, a bitchy spittle-flecking arrogant trolling ball of smoke and mirrors.

You're obviously another sock, of a sock, of a sock, of a sock.... of a sock......

Your echo chamber is PATHETIC AS FUCK, and it's TRANSPARENT AS FUCK, and it makes you look FUCKING MORONIC."

You forgot Russian bot

😄...... 😆.....😂...... 🤣


You're not smart enough to be a bot.


You're not smart enough to be a bot.

You otoh have all the key components of one:

# unoriginal

# scripted

# reflexive

# repetitive

...I wish I'd twigged to your true nature before I wasted my time spanking you for your maker's failings...


all those you mentioned there are sock accounts of yourself.
I am also one of your sock accounts.

Note to self, i.e you.... buy milk on the way home


all those you mentioned there are sock accounts of yourself.
I am also one of your sock accounts.

Note to self, i.e you.... buy milk on the way home

We need some white bread and Twinkies too...


Right, i am on it.

I love talking to myself.

Makes me feel like Deadpool when he is breaking the 4th wall and talking to the audience


And if you've the cash on hand , some hard salami would be appreciated, tnx...
