I think it's possible. There are four things that trigger a civil war in my mind:
1. Dems losing the 2018 mid-terms and starting violence
2. Dems losing the 2020 presidential election and starting violence
3. Dems impeaching Trump, leading to the right starting a violent revolt
4. The US government trying to ban and confiscate guns, leading to a wide-spread revolt of all gun owners.
I feel like the first three are the more likely scenarios based on current events. The last one is just a theoretical future situation.
The Republicans are pushing that direction. They have a brainwashed base that does what they told, when they told, and readily accepts foreign influence on our government. They have been taught to think of anyone who isn't brainwashed in dehumanizing terms such as libtard, snowflake, or npc. Their propaganda team and communication network are second to none and they have their base instantly using the phrases and lingo they want them to use. Basically the fascists are all set for a coup.
Republicans are not the type to let others tell them how to think or how to behave. Independence/individuality is one of their main principles. Most of the "brainwashing" in the US takes place in liberal universities, and is everything opposite of conservative. As for doing what they are told, when they are told, that is also a characteristic of Democrats, not Republicans. Who encouraged raucous behavior by saying it was a "very high compliment" to be called a disrupter? A democrat. Who was it who has encouraged civilians to form crowds and harass members of the Trump cabinet? A democrat. And guess what? The people who Maxine Waters told what to do are, in fact, doing what she told them to.
Everything I said was a real and accurate example of how your initial statement differs from reality. It can't be disproven that it's the democrats who are programming their supporters like bots to assault, harass and call for revolution.
I wish Democrats were organized enough to brainwash people but first they would need a messsge. Unfortunately they lack true leadership and the young people make a lot of noise but don't understand liberalism. The left are their own worst enemy at the moment.
Trump's voters literally *chose" to vote for him, despite members of both parties essentially telling them not to, and trying to convince the public that his Presidency would be a disaster. It was a classic show of independence and defiance of an establishment telling them what to do.
Ah yes. You're so blinded by partisanship you can't even see how absurd your double standard is. When Trump supporters do something they "chose" to do it, but when Democrats do something it's because they were told eh?
Do you have any idea how silly you sound?
The far more coherent explanation is Trump supporters were persuaded by a demagogue who exploited their fears and promised them the moon.
Why is this a more coherent explanation? Because of all of Trump's positions that ran counter to Republican orthodoxy that Trump supporters now defend to the hilt. There is no plausible way to justify that Trump supporters are independent thinkers when they just all decided to switch positions in facsimile of their dear leader. Just like how many of them now mirror his behavior because Trump has taught them a new way to behave.
I will tell you why I threw myself behind Trump, and why I think others did:
1. President Obama confused the national and cultural identity of our country. Instead of accepting that the US is a culturally Western country, he tried to make it multicultural.
2. Law enforcement crumbled under Obama. During riots and protests, even ones that involved, not only damage of property, but even assault of civilians, police were ALWAYS told to stand down. I thought maybe Trump would put some backbone into the riot police again.
3. The universities and their liberal propaganda are having a hugely negative impact on our society. Social justice warriors ranting and raving about "white males," "manterrupting," "mansplaining," "check your privilege," and "you're not allowed to speak because you're white/male" has created a culture of progressive authoritarianism in our country that needs to be nipped in the bud.
4. There was no sense of patriotism under Obama. American history (from 1607 till now) is a lost study that nobody seems to know anymore. The only thing people are taught about our history now is that our founders were "genocidal slave-owners," as opposed to being taught the great things about Jamestown, Plymouth, the American Revolution, our rolls in both world wars, and our heroes like Washington, Lincoln and Eisenhower.
5. There has been a huge wave of "refugees" across the West that is largely made up of military-aged males. Terrorist attacks, riots, sexual assaults and lack of cultural assimilation have taken place wherever these "refugees" have gone. It also seems like these "refugees" are deliberately trying to infiltrate the west to establish a majority, so they can rule the world under their religion. That would not seem too far-fetched to me.
These are the reasons I *chose* to vote for Trump. I was mind-controlled into doing so.
And why is it that everyone with a proper name on this board has a low amount of posts, has the same obtuse way of thinking, and has the same lackluster vocabulary to express it? Tom, Craig, John, Randall, and now Wesley. My god, the odds...
1. You'll need to better define what you're even talking about with Obama rejecting Western culture. This sounds absurd to me.
2. I could find no legitimate reference to Obama ever ordering police to "always stand down". I found this article explaining why many on the right claimed he hated cops, with dubious assumptions made. But absolutely nothing in the way of ordering police to "stand down". https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/08/why-so-many-critics-of-president-obama-insist-that-he-hates-police-officers/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e482eaa107f1
3. I agree 100% about the problems on some college campuses.
4. Oh really? So have you analyzed school history curriculum and determined the only thing taught in history class is that our founders were "genocidal slave owners"? Sorry, but that's such an outrageous claim that I can't help but assume some right wing propagandist pushed that fiction on you and told you what to think.
5. You could only make that case in Europe. In the US study after study has demonstrated illegals commit crimes at a lower rate than citizens. https://www.businessinsider.com/undocumented-aliens-violent-crime-murder-statistics-data-2018-8
So based on the bullet points of what you just told me, at least 3 but maybe 4 of the reasons you gave for why you voted Trump don't appear to be grounded in reality. They look to be what Trump or some propagandist told you to think, which I'm sorry to say, confirms my point. I wish it wasn't so.
You voted for Trump because you were manipulated into feeling it was the lesser of two evils. Basically you were told to do it so you did it. All these justifications are right propaganda, they come from internet memes.
2. Same exact things have and are happening under Trump.
3. True to an extent, I'll give you that. However, the right wing side is equally as bad with their "Let's ban gays, make America Christian only, deport all immigrants, "western" culture only, Alt-Right, etc". Takes two to tango and both are guilty in this area in various ways.
4. No sense of patriotism? What does that even mean? And you say that as if you think Trump is showing it. I'm sorry, but telling the world two murdering dictators are "great guys that I love", slamming our intelligence agencies at a Russian summit and telling the world that you trust and enemy foreign government more than our own intelligence sure doesn't seem patriotic in my mind. Dividing the nation, slamming the other party, giving speeches that encourage divide rather than union--none of that seems "patriotic" in my mind.
And funny how you bring up "teaching" when Trump is taking every measure possible to defund our already-underfunded educational system and encouraging the uneducated to remain uneducated.
5. How many terror attacks have occurred in the US these past few years? How many? Now, how many mass shootings conducted by our own citizens have occurred? I'll wait for your answer.
Your claim of "zero evidence" when there's been about two tons of evidence including indictments in an investigation that has yet to be concluded demonstrates that if there's a moron between us, it's definitely YOU.
But your post was amusing nevertheless. Can't say that about most of your posts which are typically too dull and repetitive to read.
The effects of brain damage from lead poisoning, whether directly or from a mother, has been well documented. The research is in, and it's not good. It could explain a lot more of the random violence in the 70s due to the higher concentrations of lead in the air from leaded gasoline.
Republicans are not the type to let others tell them how to think or how to behave.[/quote]
[quote] Independence/individuality is one of their main principles. [/quote]
[quote] Most of the "brainwashing" in the US takes place in liberal universities, and is everything opposite of conservative. As for doing what they are told, when they are told, that is also a characteristic of Democrats, not Republicans. Who encouraged raucous behavior by saying it was a "very high compliment" to be called a disrupter? A democrat. Who was it who has encouraged civilians to form crowds and harass members of the Trump cabinet? A democrat. And guess what? The people who Maxine Waters told what to do are, in fact, doing what she told them to.
Literally everything--EVERYTHING you just wrote can 100% apply to democrats AND republicans. Everything. If you believe otherwise then you're deluding yourself.
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The Trumpers are positively cultlike for sure. They seem hungry for blood and are just itching for the "go" signal to "kill the libs". Still, I don't think any "civil war" would happen on any large scale. The most we might see on the news are riots and and few murders. It would never become a nationwide civil war. People are too lazy for that.
If democrats can tolerate losing in 2016 to an imbecile who had outside help and got less votes, they can certainly tolerate losing in 2018 and 2020. 2016 was an example of the worst-case scenario for democrats and their voters.
Now imagine how republican voters would react if they lost in 2020 to a democrat who received less votes. Then imagine how they would react if the new president ridiculed them and their party on a daily basis while claiming to make America great again. I could definitely see them gearing up for a civil war... though civil would be in quotations.
Democrats did not "tolerate" losing in 2016. They went on riots, burning people's trash cans and destroying property. A Trump supporter in Chicago was beaten up and carjacked because of who he voted for. Even before the election, leftists were assaulting Trump supporters, with a notable example being members of La Raza beating up Trump supporters at a rally in San Jose, California. They were waving the Mexican flag and burning the American flag, all while the police were told to stand down and do nothing.
As for Trump ridiculing their party while talking about making America great again, the Republicans have lived through similar. They lived through eight years of a President who confused the true national and cultural identity of their country, trying to replace it with multiculturalism and told them things like "You didn't build that," about their businesses and life gains.
There were no riots because of the 2016 election, or because democrats lost anything. You complain about a Trump supporter being carjacked when the purpose of a carjacking is to take someone's property. Heather Heyer was murdered over ideology. Obama didn't "confuse the true national and cultural identity" of anyone's country. Your own cultural identity confused you into thinking Obama was doing something wrong based on emotions you could not explain. He told the business owners they didn't build the roads and bridges that lead to their businesses. It's true. They didn't.
For eight years you and your stupid party called Obama a Muslim apologist. Right now, President Cheeto McTweeto is doing everything he can to prevent the Saudi prince from taking blame for the death of an American resident.
You really are an obtuse individual who only sees through rose-colored glasses.
1. There were riots in places like Portland, Oregon, accompanied by chants of "not my president."
2. You missed the point. The people who carjacked him asked "Did you vote for Donald Trump?" before beating the stew out of him and stealing his car. It's on YouTube. The whole thing was politically motivated.
3. I seem to remember him saying that self-made business owners didn't build their own businesses.
1. You are looking at the wrong statistic. Riots did not go up after the 2016 election.
2. You didn't provide a point. Show me a carjacker refusing to take someone's car because they voted for Hillary.
3. No, you didn't remember him saying that. All you heard was the GOP and Fox News noise in the aftermath which implied that is what he said.
Beating someone up is not carjacking. You're merely describing an ideological bully which exists on both sides. Anti-Trumpers were beat up at numerous Trump rallies. Heather Heyer was murdered because she supported the take-down of statues of a historical figure who was technically a traitor to the US.
I think the most likely scenario of that happening would be Dems winning the House and Republicans claiming the election was stolen to deny the majority’s legitimacy. Trump will use this justification to refuse to comply with House subpoenas, sparking a full blown Constitutional Crises and mass protests. Whether it becomes violent will depend on whether government officials obey Trump's illegal orders and refuse to comply with subpoenaed documents or provide testimony.
He's already hyping claims of Dems cheating and facing full prosecution in his tweets.
But overall I see the likelihood as low. Even should Trump abuse his power by doing all those things in all likelihood Dems would probably still roll over and take it.
Your first two examples would never happen as it has ONLY been Trumpers threatening a second Civil War. I know because I've witnessed this threat more than once online--including having it leveled against ME personally.
3 is the likeliest answer if it were to happen.
However, I don't believe for a second that it would. How would a second Civil War even HAPPEN? How? People are too fat, lazy, complacent and bound to TV/the internet nowadays for such a thing to ever happen.
However, I don't believe for a second that it would. How would a second Civil War even Happen? How? People are too fat, lazy, complacent and bound to TV/the internet nowadays for such a thing to ever happen.
Oh and there is no way that you fit into this demograph of how typical Americans act right?
LOL! What? You're extra-stupid even for your (decidedly low) standards today, Lady. Of course I'm too lazy and complacent to fight. And proud of it, too! XD
Furthermore, I would never take part in a second civil war regardless as it's moronic and wrong.
LOL! Proud? You're proud to be fat, lazy and bound to TV and the internet than be a hard working American that actually contributes something to social society, isn't that how Trump represents the typical American standard? And here I thought you of all people would want to distance yourself as much as possible.
LOL! You take everything so literally, Lady. Lighten up. It's not my fault the DCCU turned to sh!t, Lady. Get over your anger over how my buddies and I trashed your BVS. It's been what? Two years now?
Lady_Leopard is so obviously insecure about her own shortcomings that she lashes out at you when she sees you critiquing them. lol! Sounds like she's worried now that you won't like what she is in real life.