MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The people who think that Trump colluded...

The people who think that Trump colluded with Russia...

Are the same folks who:

-laughed at the thought of Trump being elected
-didn’t believe that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower
-Thought that the Economy would tank
-Thought black unemployment would go up
-Thought we would go to war with North Korea

In other words....they’re full of shit and wrong 100% of the time


A troll is a troll, is a troll.

Good luck next time you need any help with your computer, or anything else.


What in my post was factually wrong? You seem salty as usual.


Yeah good luck.


Yeah, the libitterals don't like facts nearly as much as the like blind hatred without reason.


reading some of your posts came to conclusion you are about 12/15 years old remember when I thought I wanted to live in disney world


Your lack of punctuation and poor sentence structure doesn’t help your accusation.


Lol, I thought the same thing.


I once had someone excoriate me over Hilary ordering people to be killed, which is what he believed. "Do your research !"
Turns out he's in high school and living with his parents in Canada.


I heard that one too about a month after the election as to why Hillary lost. This kid told me Hillary had ordered too many people to be killed for him to vote for her in good conscience.

When I LMAO'd at his dumb ass he kept lecturing me to "do my research" too.

Turns out the "Hillary had people killed" fake news story featured on a bunch of Russian operated fake news sites and got pushed on a lot of unsuspecting people too stupid to know how to fact check.

Looks like this kid troll suffers from the same affliction. He actually believes Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. ROTFLMFAO!


-thought Iraq had WMDs.


Bush and Republicans created that lie.


No it was actually New York Times journalists and the CIA.

But republicans like John McCain are almost as bloodthirsty as Hillary Clinton. They're on your side. I'll take "racist" Ron Paul.


Once again, repeating a lie doesn't change it into the truth. Only Trumpanzees are stupid enough to fall for their cult leader's propaganda technique.

Republicans stupidly promoted "freedom fries" and boycotted The Dixie Chicks for speaking out against the war.

"I'll take "racist" Ron Paul."
Of course, a racist would support another racist.


Where did you get your "information" from?

-Republican laughed at Trump being elected including your Fox news which didn't support him. Some people did say he could be elected including Michael Moore and myself. I figured there are many stupid people in the U.S. who allow themselves to be manipulated by lies...

-...Speaking of lies, Obama didn't wiretap Trump which was the accusation. There are many criminals living in Trump Tower though. I would assume a "law and order" president like Trumputin would want active criminal investigations happening around the clock.

-Nobody said the economy would tank. Maybe the stock market because of the uncertainty of a Trump presidency. Markets hate uncertainty. My info was that it would go up for another year because of the huge tax break giveaway to the rich which would be used for stock buybacks. Bear market and recession eventually end though since we're overdue.

-You're making stuff up. Higher percentage of jobs went to black people under Obama so in a way it did slow down. Btw, the improvement started in 2010 for both blacks and whites. says Trump is taking undue credit. I suggest you look at the linked chart to compare Trump's minuscule contribution compared to Obama's.

- It's surprising that Trumputin has backed down from N Korea like a wimp. They still have their nukes and Trumputin is doing nothing. He was full of lip before entering office.

Your comments are full of shit when you have to make things up to try to make a point.


Setting aside your poor grammar and punctuation errors, you don’t provide any links to back up your claims.

The reason black unemployment is at an all time low is because Trump cut off welfare to black people who didn’t need it. is a left leaning site and not reliable for figures.

It is a fact that Trump Tower was a wiretapped (are you living under a rock?)

Obama was the biggest wimp president in the history of the United States, this is a fact. He sent us back 30 years, but Trump should get us back to where we need to be.


Everything you posted was a complete stretch of reality.
Obama didn't wiretap Trump Tower. That's a lie fed to you by Trump that you believe without evidence. Democrats, half of republicans, and independents thought Hillary was going to win. Dems didn't think the economy would tank from Trump. We know it would take another recession like we had in 2008, which banks are capable of repeating, and tax cuts do not prevent (Bush era tax cuts didn't prevent it either). It's a ticking timebomb, but it can happen under any president. And why would black unemployment go up under Trump? All this economic turmoil that nobody predicted, and had it been predicted, it would've been an indictment on the status of the economy at the end of Obama's term. It was the opposite. The economy was on an upswing. You pulled these predictions from your ass, apparently.

If Obama sent us back 30 years, republicans would've creamed their pants. Reagan is their one true political god.

Everything you type is just so damned stupid.


Stupid for sure.
At least Trump hired a sturdy law abiding cabinet


Jesus, use paragraphs you communist dirtbag. Shouldn’t you be peeing on the flag right now and smuggling illegal aliens into your basement?


Shouldn't you be discussing the topics you brought up in your original post? Oh wait, I forgot, you don't do that. You're DorianGay, the guy that whines about grammar in every other post to pivot away from the conversation.


Stats are a funny thing and easily manipulated to serve a specific view. Saying more whites get benefits doesn't take into consideration the percentage. There are more whites, therefore they are expected to use more. It also doesn't mention how long particular segments stay on assistance or what percentage of the household income comes from them. What about houses with parents from different races? Anyone spouting simple one line replies like this on either side is ignoring the real issue. 52% of kids under 18 live in a home with government assistance. That is a said commentary on our culture and it's acceptance to let someone else work for them.


"you don’t provide any links to back up your claims"
You're just providing lies and bigoted comments.

"The reason black unemployment is at an all time low is because Trump cut off welfare to black people who didn’t need it."
Most of the people on welfare are white. The economic recovery began in 2008 with Obama. Trumputin, the Criminal is just riding his coattails.

" is a left leaning site and not reliable for figures."

You lie as much as Trumputin.

"Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH

Notes: is a nonprofit website that describes itself as a non-partisan “consumer advocate for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics”. It is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and is funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation. has won four Webby Awards in the Politics category, in 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012. provides well sourced unbiased fact checking. Quite simply can be trusted to provide accurate fact checks with minimal bias. is used by Media Fact Check as a resource to check claims when reviewing sources."

"It is a fact that Trump Tower was a wiretapped"
Just because you repeat a lie, doesn't make it true.
Did you write that I have bad grammar? LOL.

"Obama was the biggest wimp president in the history of the United States, this is a fact."
You don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion. I wouldn't expect a racist to like Obama.

Your comments are still full of shit


You seem pretty salty, want a tissue? I can’t believe you wasted all that time writing a novel. Like I’m going to read all that jibber jabber. 😂


Once again, I demonstrate when Trumpanzees don't have an intelligent reply, they fold like a lawn chair. Obviously, your reading level is equal to Truputin's 280 character limit on Twitter which explains your ignorance.


For the 300th time, I’m not a Trump supporter....I’m for building a wall and nationalism. I also believe in gender differences and small government. For someone who tries to come across as an intellectual you sure act stupid.


If it walks like a duck... I've heard KKK members claim not to be racists, too.

You're in serious denial.


Yes and you’re a progressive communist douchebag who walks at gay pride parades.....see I can make baseless claims too.


You're the one with gay as part of your screen name so I assume you're self-hating.


It’s a play on words, if you’re not familiar with Dorian Gray then there is no hope for you.


You mean a subconscious preference. Like I wrote, you're in serious denial.

Not that there's anything wrong with it.


Are you African American? Your username sounds quite black to me which would explain your poor grammar and lack of history knowledge. What exactly do you hope to achieve in this thread? To spread communist jibber jabber?


More deflection.

You still haven't presented one fact from a legitimate source to back up your original post. That means your original post isn't factual. Why would you insist on having a belief that is a lie?

My nickname is actually from a play. FYI, the character was Hispanic. Once again, you're wrong. And racist.

Freddy is right. You appear to be 12-15 years old. It's pass your bedtime.


....and the truth comes out, you’re an illegal immigrant.


Learn to read! I said the character was Hispanic. The name has no ethnic origin and was obviously made up by the playwright.

How come I'm not surprised that you're a bigot against Hispanics, also?

You sound like a lazy slacker who wants to blame your sorry life on other people like immigrants. Instead of waiting for Trumputin to rescue you from your sad life, it would make more sense to get off your butt, learn a marketable skill, then work hard and improve your own life.


I'm not a Trump supporter either, but these sad liberals think anyone who doesn't agree with them is a Nazi.


Keelai what the hell is wrong with you? He is clearly not a Trump supporter! He just posts on the DJT board about the need for a wall and how anyone who thinks Trump colluded with Russia is stupid. But why would you think he's a Trump supporter?


You have never heard of this guy?

Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout

2016-11-09T00:42:44-05:0012:42 AM ET
It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.


First of all, one person doesn't speak for an entire political party.

"Markets hate uncertainty."

I wrote the above in an earlier post and I stand by it. When it looked like Trump was going to win, the market plunged. He was considered unpredictable and had said stupid things. The market recovered after his speech because he sounded "presidential" therefore restored confidence.

I prefer to get market advice from investors who have made millions in it which is why I subscribe to Investor Business Daily. They predicted the market would be extended for another year with Trump's tax cuts and deregulation and also predicted he would win the election.


all politicians are liars, Trump is a challege to the status quo, therefore he has made enemies with some rich people


The people who think that Trump colluded with Russia...

Are the same folks who:

-believed Trump received help from Russia to win the election, which he did
-believed Trump would get less people to vote for him than his opponent, which he did
-believed Trump would ignore the middle class and lower taxes for the wealthy, which he did
-believed Trump would change his mind on the TPP, which he did by inserting it into NAFTA
-believed Trump would never build the wall, which he hasn't
-believed Trump would violate the emoluments clause, which he is
-believed Trump would take credit for Obama's economy, which he has


If they believed that Trump would never build a wall then why did all media outlets freak out about it and why did it become such a huge uproar in this country?

You can’t engage in outrage culture over something on one hand, and then on the other hand claim that the left knew all along that a wall wouldn’t be built. Which was it?

Also if we’re gonna talk about Trump getting help to be elected, he lost the popular vote so how exactly did that help him? Did the Russians only target certain states? How did that work exactly? Also didn’t Clinton get more help from the media than Trump got from Russia? I certainly don’t remember the Russians giving Trump scripted questions before a debate...however I do remember the media leaking debate questions to Clinton beforehand to give her an advantage.


Media outlets didn't freak out about it. They only freaked out about the fact he was claiming to his supporters the wall was being built when he was never able to get enough Republicans in his own party to agree to fund it. And why should they when his campaign promise was to get Mexico to pay for it?

In other words, he was blatantly lying about wall construction going on when it wasn't. Rubes bought it.

And yes the Russians did target undecided voters in swing states. Have you been living under a rock? There was this British firm called Cambridge Analytica that made big news this past year for the role they played in the Russian effort after a whistle blower from the firm came forward. You should look into it.


The “they” that I’m referring to are liberals and yes they did freak out over a supposed wall being built. Were you living under a rock during this period?

We don’t know exactly what the Russians did yet, it’s all speculation at this point. Do you even know how evidence works? If there was actual evidence right now then Trump would have already been impeached and every news outlet in the country would be talking in detail about how the Russians were able to manipulate our election.


As usual you're just flat wrong. We know plenty with regards to what the Russians did because there's tons of evidence already in the public arena as to exactly what they did.

You just don't happen to know because you're not the sharpest tool in the drawer.

And no, you specifically referred to "media outlets" freaking out, which they did not. So once again, you're still wrong.


reading some of your replies and realize you must be Bill O'Reilly and who always has an answer to questions he does not like and praises those who agree we already have a wall see it in pictures what we need are health clinics


Are the same folks who:

-laughed at the thought of Trump being elected
-didn’t believe that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower
-Thought that the Economy would tank
-Thought black unemployment would go up
-Thought we would go to war with North Korea

In other words....they’re full of shit and wrong 100% of the time

