MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > T-rump gave Melania a week to lose baby ...

T-rump gave Melania a week to lose baby weight

In a December 7, 2005 interview with Howard Stern, this is what he had to say about his wife Melania, whom was six months into her pregnancy with his fifth child...

“You know, Howard, she’s got the kind of a body and makeup where, about one day after the baby, it’s going to be the same as it was before,” said T-rump.

You’re giving her one day?” Stern asked.

“One or two,” Trump answered.

“I think I’ll give her a week,” he reconsidered. “No, I’ll give her a week.”

What a guy, huh? Months after his son Barron was born, he had an affair in Lake Tahoe with porn star "Stormy Davis" and a year later he told Billy Bush he loves to go up to women he doesn't know and 'grab them by their pussy'.

What a guy - and so Presidential.


the affair with the porn actress is alleged


Stormy said it happened in her 2011 interview.


legnadibrom: "the affair with the porn actress is alleged"

Doggiedaddy: "Stormy said it happened in her 2011 interview."

(of an incident or a person) said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality.

Seriously, you can't be this fucking stupid, can you? Please tell me it's all an act, so my belief in humanity can be restored.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit"

Once again this is rich since Trump's political career was launched off the non-sensical (and racist) birther movement.

Of course Snags will never read this because he has me on ignore for trying to explain to him that Bill Clinton was never convicted of a felony despite his insisting otherwise. So I'm ignored because when people can't handle facts, they hide from them.


Funny thing is though, it only takes 'alleged' to get men fired from the work force. There are already numerous cases of this as of recent.


Is she alleging Trump sexually abused or harassed her? On what grounds would Trump be 'fired'?


Nope nothing illegal. Even paying hush money isn't illegal. It's just a tough spot for Republicans when the Christian choice for a candidate cheated on his newlywed pregnant wife with a porn Star. Just a bad look in general. I mean if Obama had done that, what would Fox News have said?


If this was Obama, they would have already impeached him from Office on the suspicion that he cheated on his newlywed third wife who bore him his fifth child just a few months prior.

However, this is T-rump, and it's always OK if a Republican does it.


I always hear all this whatabout/if-ism. Only way to find out is to actually elect a democrat to do this and see how it all plays out :p


Merely inferring that it doesn't take much to get a guy fired on the left by other lefties. Don't need proof, only alleged and/or a group of alleged. Never mentioned Trump.


This is true. Although, Dems like Al Franken were smart enough to step down with an 'alleged' accusation, and not even wait to be fired.

Rethuglicans just say "Never happened" and move on to their next innocent victim. It's disgusting.


I think you'll like this. Related to your Al Franken reference.


Yep. Thanks for posting! Saw this the other night, and couldn't agree more with him.


"Never mentioned Trump."

Try to keep up. This is a discussion about Trump.


Maybe you can use the word 'denied'. It's been told by Stormy, and 'denied' by T-rump (what a shock!). No alleged - she has admitted to it.

What will Melania do?


"No alleged - she has admitted to it. "

She's alleging it happened.

Fucking dense moron.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"She's alleging it happened."

It happened. Get over it. You're whining over semantics that mean absolutely nothing. You're just showing how thirsty you are for an argument on an anonymous message board in a pathetic attempt to feed your fragile ego.


"It happened."


You have none. You just believe because you want to believe.

"You're whining over semantics that mean absolutely nothing. You're just showing how thirsty you are for an argument on an anonymous message board in a pathetic attempt to feed your fragile ego. "

Aw, did I hurt your feelings in the other thread?

Poor thing.


Anonymous message boards only hurt fragile egos. And only fragile egos use your pejoratives... in damn near every post... lol.

For example, go back to that other thread, and look at my reply. Completely standard. No sign of hurt feelings. Now look at your reply. Yup, fragile ego.

Anyway, the proof is in the $130,000 and Stormy's 2011 admission. On top of it, it fits with Trump's character, and also fits with why Melania won't even live in the White House with him.

Not only that, but here you are bending over backwards to crabwalk through hoops whining that there's no proof that Trump fucked a porn star. Nobody really cares, but somehow... for some strange reason... it hurts you. Oh wait, I forgot how fragile you were for a second there. My bad.


"For example, go back to that other thread, and look at my reply. Completely standard. No sign of hurt feelings. Now look at your reply. Yup, fragile ego."

My reply:

"Which has nothing to do with adding value to his name."

Yeah, my fragile ego is on full display. Hahahahahahhaha!

Fucking retard.

" fits with Trump's character"

Wow. Your proof is overwhelming.



"Yeah, my fragile ego is on full display. Hahahahahahhaha!"

Oh, isn't it?

"Fucking retard."

There it is on full display ;)

"Wow. Your proof is overwhelming."

Why are you so worried about proof? Why is it so important to you that Stormy Daniels is an intricate fabricator of stories when Trump has every right to have consensual sex with a porn star? Why does it hurt you so much? I mean, we're not saying she pissed on him or anything... or did she? ;)


"There it is on full display "

Despite your delusions, recognizing that you're a retard doesn't make me fragile.

"Why are you so worried about proof?"

Why are you seeing proof that isn't there? Who's more obsessed about proof? The one not seeing it where it obviously isn't, or the one seeing it where it obviously isn't?

Are you that fragile, you have to make up proof of Trump having an affair? Why is it so important to you?


"Despite your delusions, recognizing that you're a retard doesn't make me fragile."

Sure, it's not you who is fragile, obviously. It's my delusions and the delusions of many other posters that you are accurately describing as "fucking retarded" because they made the mistake of believing Trump had sex with a porn star, right? Did I nail it like Trump nailed Sto... err nevermind.

"Are you that fragile, you have to make up proof of Trump having an affair? Why is it so important to you?"

Actually, I don't care that he did, but I do find it funny. That seems to be the overall appeal to the saga.

However, not only are you trying to turn the label of fragile on me, but to support the concept, you are suggesting I made up proof of Trump having an affair. I'm sure you can present this proof that I made up, right? Because if you cannot present this proof that I specifically made up about Trump having an affair, I'd hate for SnagsWolf to declare himself as "fucking retarded" for not fully understanding what it is that he is claiming. That would be terrible ;)


"Got to love the semantical gymnastics liberals will go through to defend their heroes"

This was an actual line Snagswolf said to me on another thread. No hipocrisy from him at all lol


Yeah, he's a character all right.


You clearly have no sense of humor.

Meaning, you can't sense humor when it's present.

In other words, you're a fucking retard.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit"

Once again this is rich since Trump's political career was launched off the non-sensical (and racist) birther movement.

Of course Snags will never read this because he has me on ignore for trying to explain to him that Bill Clinton was never convicted of a felony despite his insisting otherwise. So I'm ignored because when people can't handle facts, they hide from them.


"The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit"

Once again this is rich since Trump's political career was launched off the non-sensical (and racist) birther movement.

Of course Tom Cruise will never read this because he has me on ignore for trying to explain to him that Bill Clinton was never convicted of a felony despite his insisting otherwise. So I'm ignored because when people can't handle facts, they hide from them.


Nobody other than the Lefty Loons give a shit.



LOL Just a guess, but I think Donald Trump was joking with Howard Stern. No one honestly thinks that a woman's body bounces back one week after giving birth.

Give this silly anti-Trump sh!t a rest already. Your queen was dethroned and, F.Y.I. , that lumpy potato sack she calls a body NEVER bounced back! No wonder Bill took a shine to Gennifer Flowers.

As for Doggie's latest "chicken little, the sky is falling" nonsense, No, Barry Obama would not have been impeached if he cheated on his newlywed third bride. Holy crap! Cheating is not an impeachable offense! If it was, FDR, Eisenhower, JFK and LBJ, just to name a few Presidents, would have been out of a job!
You really think Obama would have THREE wives and five kids? He was lucky to get Michael and a couple of rent-a-kids!


"You really think Obama would have THREE wives and five kids? He was lucky to get Michael and a couple of rent-a-kids! "

Was calling Michelle "Michael" a typo or an insult? And also what do you mean by rent-a-kids?


No not a typo. I know how to spell Michael! It's my nephew's name. I was merely calling our former First Lady what our former President called her in a speech. You can find it yourself on youtube by just typing in "Obama calls Michelle , Michael". And how would it be an insult when the left has embraced trannies and considers them above reproach?

As for the daughters. Well check out Obama friends, a couple named Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt. The girls look like them and nothing like the Obamas.

I figure as long as the left is going apesh!t over remarks Trump made to Howard Stern years ago, well let's shake the Obama family tree and see what falls out!


It has nothing to do with whether or not the left supports transsexuals, I don't know of any woman, left or right who wouldn't be insulted to be called a man. I've seen plenty of comments from people calling Michelle a transsexual and I think it's in incredibly poor taste.

As for the kids not being theirs...I'm honestly astonished that you buy into a such a theory. I've got nothing further to add on it.


Well I AM astonished that the left buys into every theory about the evils of Trump. Of course such "poor taste" is okay when it is aimed at Donald and Melania Trump.

Do you think Michelle Obama was insulted when her husband called her Michael? What man makes that sort of "mistake" about his wife's name?

Of course you have nothing more to add. The left never does when backed into a corner.


I'm not backed into a corner. You and I have had very respectful conversations in the past. You presented what I feel is a baseless theory regarding the legitimacy of the Obama girls and it's not worth making any case against.

If I've made any baseless claims regarding Donald or Melania, please let me know.


Oh sorry, I should not have implied that YOU personally made baseless claims about the Trumps. I just go a bit overboard. When I read yet another silly post like the one someone else started here about Donald Trump saying that he was giving Melania "a week to bounce back after she had the baby" it bothers me.

I think he was making a silly comment on a silly show, Howard Stern's show. Just acting like a tough guy and "laying down the law". As if any man could control his wife's post partum figure! Just silly macho bragging and really should not even rise to the bait of discussing it.

Donald Trump was never my first choice for President, but every since he announced his candidacy for President, he has been subjected to one endless personal attack after another. I guess I just got fed up. JFK is still looked on as a hero by democrats, but did any other President philander as much? The whole double standard thing just gets to me sometimes.
I do wish all men would be faithful to their marriage vows. But if JFK was able to govern and bed Marilyn Monroe at the same time I think Donald Trump is capable of "multitasking" (although I wish he hadn't or wouldn't!)
Over at the IMDB site there were endless nasty threads started about Melania. And, geez, is there anyone less political? You hardly hear a peep out of her. But so many on the left go after her with such venom.

And these are the same people who heaped endless praise on Michelle Obama as if she were some queen. They really overdid it in my opinion.
Sometimes it gets under my skin and I just lash out. Didn't mean to take it out on you.


Well thank you for your response. I agree about the baby weight thing being a joke comment and not really worth mentioning.

As for Donald Trump being subjected to endless personal attacks I can only say that you reap what you sow. Trump was relentless on Obama for excessive golfing, vacation time, and said that the President would be to blame should the government shut down and it would reflect poorly on only the President. He didn't think through those comments so of course they're going to come back to haunt him when he golfs and vacations excessively and the government shuts down.

And as far as evil theories about Trump, I can only again say you reap what you sow. Trump has no problem floating out many baseless claims such as Obama not being a U.S. citizen, Ted Cruz's dad being involved in the JFK assassination, Joe Scarsborough being responsible for an intern's death, millions of illegal votes cast for Hillary Clinton. None of these claims hold any kind of water but that didn't matter to Trump. During his campaign he re-tweeted propaganda (grossly inaccurate propaganda) from hate groups and never owned up to having been wrong for doing that, so why be surprised when people think he's a racist. You reap what you sow.

As for Michelle being worshipped like a princess....I can see why people admire her. I do. She's obviously intelligent, she's well spoken, she's (imo) funny, and just a likable person. Do people overdo the praise of M.O.? Perhaps, but is that her fault? Click on any comments section and you'll see people referring to her as a transsexual, she-male, and then you get into the really racist remarks about her being an ape or a monkey. You don't get the excessive praise she receives but I'm confused by the excessive hate. If she's not your cup of tea, that's fine but the terrible things she is called are just so far over the line of what a decent person should say about a woman.


Okay, good post! I do get what you are saying!

Ironic that I would stand up for Trump. lol He was in the news years ago. He was always promoting his brand. I used to think "what an ego!" Recently I have been watching some older sitcoms on youtube and he made guest appearances on several shows. I don't think he forced anyone in Hollywood to have him on their shows, but they did. And if he wasn't on a show, he was mentioned, like at least one episode of the Golden girls.

I don't even know what to call it. It's a human nature thing, when your choice is criticized, it makes you defend it even more. An example: a teen-age girl is dating a guy her parents dislike. The more they attack him, the more she defends him.

To me, I may sound crazy, some of Trump's claims were not totally "out there". I have read up on a lot of theories about the JFK assassination. Several theories hold that LBJ was behind it. Then there's the Oliver Stone film (which I haven't seen) which offers other theories. I don't see how Trump's theories are any worse.

And his attacks on the candidates in the primary, well that's par for the course in politics. I have watched 2008 videos of Hillary Clinton attacking Barack Obama. Yet last year they were all huggy/kissy at the convention. He was singing her praises now that he was not running again. I mean, REALLY?? is there any species of human more self serving than a politician?

I never saw him as a racist. What bothers me on a personal level is that I get lumped in with all the worst opinions people hold about Trump. No, I don't favor racism or bigotry. It's just that when you say you voted for him, you automatically get thrown into that category.

For me it was that way with Donald Trump. I honestly find Hillary Clinton a lying, loathesome person. No way would I vote for her. Maybe if the Dems had run someone else, Joe Biden, Joe Lieberman, I would have considered them. So I felt I was forced to go with Trump.


As for Michelle Obama, I never had anything against her. I didn't even bother with some of the nastier comments about her. I just thought they were beneath contempt.

I never was too crazy about Nancy Reagan either! I thought she was a huge snob and I could never understand what Reagan saw in her!! But in the last few years of her life, I saw how she was the subject of some really nasty comments. She was a frail, elderly old woman. But people were still taking jabs at her. But she loved her Ronnie and always tried to protect him.

But I suppose the cynic in me observed the New York liberal press and all the rest of the media. They fell over themselves to just "look good" about praising our first black First Lady. Some of the praise heaped on her seemed weird and insincere. In contrast, Trump announced his candidacy and Melania was a target right away.

I found it ironic to say the least. So many on the left are thrilled with immigrants, legal and otherwise. Yet the main subject (on IMDB) was Melania's legal status. I guess it's just the hypocrisy that gets to me. Of course it is true for both sides.

Anyway, glad we can have a rational discussion and not get too crazy!


Haha I know what you're saying. I actually use to like Donald Trump. I wasn't a giant fan but thought he was perfect as an entertainment personality and enjoyed a season or two of The Apprentice. It wasn't until he became heavily involved in the birther movement that I started to really dislike him. I'm only mentioning the following to help explain my distaste for him.

- The short form of Barrack Obama's birth certificate was available.
- Barrack Obama's mother was (by all accounts) an American citizen so that makes Barrack Obama an American citizen by birth regardless of where in the world he may have been born.
- The birth announcement for Barrack Obama appeared in Hawaii's two major newspapers on August 4th, 1961.
- Despite this, to put to rest the ridiculousness, Obama released his long form birth certificate to the press.

At this point Trump tweeted "An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud." Of course he never provided any proof nor was that "extremely credible source" ever revealed. But it didn't matter because people still ate it up.

So for me this told me everything that I needed to know about Donald Trump. I found it inexcusable behavior for any credible public figure but it continues to blow my mind that this man is my President.

I think there are a lot of people like you who didn't particularly want Trump but just couldn't stand the thought of a Hillary presidency. I'm also actually friends with some people who voted for Trump. Some are experiencing buyers remorse, some are not. I appreciate what you're saying about not wanting to get thrown into the category with Trump's more extreme supporters. To that all I can say is take the high road even when the person you're talking to is taking the low road.


As much as I hate defending Trump, the Howard Stern comment doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Was it a joke? Maybe, but I really think it was Trump's exaggeration of Melania's ability to rebound naturally from childbirth. Like, he wasn't demanding she get fit in a week, but rather that her body would do it on its own because "she’s got the kind of a body and make-up where, about one day after the baby, it’s going to be the same as it was before.” Though I don't have the full context so there could be more to it.

Unfortunately, yes, Trump, just like Arpaio, still believes Obama's birth certificate is fake. They believe this because of a single fraud at WND named Jerome Corsi. Corsi is the guy that provided a long-form birth certificate of a woman, similar to Obama's, to Arpaio. Armpit Arpaio claimed that he would use that birth certificate not to prove Obama's was fake, but to prove Obama's long-form BC was real. Yeah right. Armpit, probably at the direction of Corsi, gathered a bunch of forensic randoms who pointed out multiple potential points of fraud in Obama's long-form BC, but only when it was compared to the other BC provided by Corsi. Armpit then takes it to a judge, or maybe the FBI, I forget. They ask Armpit where that other birth certificate come from. Armpit says it came from Corsi. Then they ask "where did he get it from?" Armpit comes back with "that's a really good question," and the whole thing ended right there.

Later on, Armpit is indicted, gets sentenced, and then eventually gets pardoned by Trump. Armpit then goes on television saying he still believes Obama's BC is fake. Yet he still has no idea where that other BC came from that supposedly proves Obama's is fake. Nobody seems to know, including Corsi. It arrived in his mailbox and he ran with it, and he's still making a living off of it at WND. Now it's just fodder for conspiracy dims like Trump who disregard facts so they can get their fix and call themselves smart.


"As much as I hate defending Trump, the Howard Stern comment doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Was it a joke? Maybe, but I really think it was Trump's exaggeration of Melania's ability to rebound naturally from childbirth. Like, he wasn't demanding she get fit in a week, but rather that her body would do it on its own because "she’s got the kind of a body and make-up where, about one day after the baby, it’s going to be the same as it was before.” Though I don't have the full context so there could be more to it. "

Was it a joke? Could be - but he's no comedian. He should keep these 'jokes' in private.

No man should ever talk about their wives like that on national radio or in public. Very demeaning to his wife to discuss her this way on Stern's show - no matter the intent.


Family values


