Trump isn't perfect
I know he has his flaws, sometimes he speaks before thinking and personally he is way too moderate for me. But I think we can all agree that he is 100 times better than that retarded cunt Hillary Clinton would have been.
shareI know he has his flaws, sometimes he speaks before thinking and personally he is way too moderate for me. But I think we can all agree that he is 100 times better than that retarded cunt Hillary Clinton would have been.
AMEN, Hippo!
I also am a little disappointed that President Trump hasn't locked the bitch up yet. She should be spending the rest of her life sleeping in her own urine/feces in a prison cell rather than writing her stupid crybaby loser books.
sharei wonder who she may envision to perform the part of her when her crybaby books will be turned into movies?
You and me both, Hippo. I would LOVE to see that bitch in an orange jumpsuit. Unfortunately I don't think it will ever happen. She's rich, powerful and sneaky, and the Republicans are mostly cowards. She also knows where the bodies are buried.
Trump isn't perfect. Like that's news to me.
shareDems would've won if there wasn't so much infighting imo. They screwed Sanders which made a portion of the base vote Trump or not vote at all. Anything but Hillary they say.
The Dems pushed Bernie out because they just wanted another historical election. Hillary dried up vagina is what got her the nomination.
shareI love it!
shareWhen the best thing your candidate has going for you is her reproductive organs you know you're in trouble.
shareWell...what if I said that Hilary isn't perfect and has her flaws but at least he's not a childish and racists cunt like Trump. I'm sorry, but every historical president of the US is better than him. Bush was reasonably hated by many during his term but at least he didn't go around tweeting, golfing, and making racist comments like a typical 13 year old 8th grader.
shareWho cares about Hillary she's a loser and she doesn't matter anymore. President Trump has done far more for the country in 1 year than Obama did in 8. The economy is soaring, people are getting off of food stamps and back to work and he just passed a major tax cut despite the Democrats acting like obstructionist crybabies along with some RINOs.
shareBy the way President Trump is YOUR President and there isn't anything you can do about it. Learn your place, show him respect and sit in the back of the bus where you belong. We won, you lost, elections have consequences.
shareI love the way you Trumpers speak about the foul-mouthed, mentally-ill sex pervert with the patient, loving, indulgent tones of a mother talking about her special needs child. You have to be totally blinded by party-affiliation to believe Trump belongs in the Oval Office.
sharePresident Trump is doing amazing things for the US economy. You bitter butthurt liberals need to sit down, shut up and learn your place.
shareYou do realize that Trump is just as butthurt and bitter as you say we are. He constantly discriminates against California and refuse to visit that State ONLY a majority of them are democrats who voted against him.
Are you saying it's ok to discriminate against states who don't vote for you?
Besides, if you watch the news, he just called Haiti, Belize, and Africa "sh!t hole" countries and denied them a visa to work here for no apparent reason!
You think, insulting other countries for no reason is a wonderful quality in a President? How is denying visas to work here a good thing? Tell me??
What sucks is that too many give his establishment agenda a pass because of a hypothetical nobody can know for sure. His tax cuts are not designed to trickle down to the middle class, but are indeed designed to siphon money from the middle class into the pockets of the wealthy in a matter of years. But tax cuts sound good, don't they? That's the fundamental flaw with the alt and religious right. They are attracted to words way more than actions.
No way is Hilldog going to take guns away from lawful gun owners, but the alt and religious right cream themselves listening to the GOP discuss how they are going to stop her from taking away all guns.
No way is the repeal of Net Neutrality a positive thing for consumers and small businesses on the internet, but when A-shit Pie and the GOP lies that it'll make ISP packages cheaper, the alt and religious right cream themselves without any evidence of a price drop.
In no way is Trump deporting more illegals than Obama. ICE has them all in hiding making it more difficult. But Trump said Mexicans are criminal, causing the alt and religious right to cream themselves and move on.
No way would you let a child-raping preacher near your kid, but when he says he's sorry that the devil got to him and that he sees the light of god, the alt and religious right let him back in while pointing the finger at Hollywood because they said mean things about Trump.
No way would the GOP attempt to overturn Roe V Wade. If they succeeded, the Dems would win every election thereafter until it was reinstated. But all the GOP has to do is spout the empty words, and the alt and religious right cream themselves.
So Trump keeps passing the establishment's agenda, but as long as he tweets the right words, it's fap fap fap skeet skeet for the alt and religious right.
But those damned transgenders and blue-haired SJWs. They say words the alt and religious right simply don't like to hear. More pronouns? An alt-righty would rather drink bleach.