Solo and Atom?????

Why do "artists" insist on burdening their offspring with the worst names? How do they sleep at night? Are they really that wrapped up in themselves that they can't see the damage they are doing with these names?

Solo - a big red cup used by college students to play drinking games

Atom - a basic unit of chemical element, or matter.

I am shaking my head and rolling my eyes.


To be so critical of a person's name and call it "ignorant stupid" IS Ignorant & Stupid.

For all you know, the names could be ethnic and have a special and/or significant meaning in another language other than English. I've come across and met many people from different countries with names that may look and sound strange to Americans that are completely common in other parts of the world which have beautiful meanings. I suppose those parents should consider changing or consulting with ignorance such as yours before naming their children.

How narrow minded are you?
