MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Does anyone actually support this guy?

Does anyone actually support this guy?

It feels like the left is playing one big game of pretend. Since the left controls all the cultural institutions, everyone is forced to play along with this. From pretending that Dylan Mulvaney or Lia Thomas are "women" to pretending that defunding the police is a good idea, it's all too much.

But here, I want to point to Joe Biden. Does anyone think he *doesn't* have some level of senility? Does anyone think he is actually capable of serving as president? Does anyone think he is actually in charge at the White House? Because it seems like we're all just supposed to pretend everything is ok with Biden and that it's not some massive deal that a man who is not competent to serve now controls the most powerful military in the world.


For a senile guy, he sure knows how to outsmart the opposition. Every time.


Like I said, the left controls all the cultural institutions. Therefore, "outsmarting the opposition" means having your acolytes in the mainstream media ignore incompetency, rationalize corruption, or simply gaslight. In other words, this isn't actually Joe Biden "outsmarting" anyone, but being taken care of by the team of leftists that protects him.


He is surely capable of outsmarting you. But as you are a leftard there is no rocket science needed.




Fuck, got him good there! xD


That's like saying Ronald McDonald is a great business man because you're 6 and do not understand anything... or, you're an adult and a democrat. Same thing, really.


I agree with every word you wrote. Joe is a sick joke, a place holder, and a puppet president. Everyonele knows it, and we are the laughing stock of the world. We're all expected to pretend. It's disgusting.

Furthermore, people didn't vote FOR him. They simply voted against Trump.

In my opinion, Joe is an evil man, with no redeaming qualities. He's a vegetable.


Yet, none of you trumpublicans have said anything about him that makes him a bad president. You call him senile despite his adept leadership and without anything to support your claim.


Have another glass of Kool-Aid.


You prove my point


How are you missing gas prices up 200% since he took office? Food prices up 200%? The cost of buying a new car up 200%? The cost of energy for your home up 200%? Funding a war that does not involve us (Ukraine is one of THE MOST corrupt countries in the world)? It is costing us billions! Couldn't that go to something useful like blast proof doors in schools?! It wouldn't cost a fraction of what we are paying for that war. Migrants everywhere. Fetanol deaths up 67%. Crime which is up by 100% in some places. Child trafficking which is a VERY real problem in this country. Children being used as cheap labor- yes that is happening in our country, and it hasn't happened since Teddy Rosevelt. I'm not saying I want Trump back in (that ship has sailed) but if you really can't see all of the damage that this administration has done and is doing you have serious mental problems.


Would you like another economic shutdown due to a deadly pandemic in order to lower gas prices?

If that is c Trump's greatest economic success, then no thanks.

What did Trump ever do to curb FENTAYL deaths or child labor or sex trafficking?

There is a war in Ukraine mainly because Trump convinced Putin that NATO was dead and nobody would care if he took over the largest country in Europe.


Wow. You really are completely gone.


Yet Putin didn’t step one foot out of line until Diaper Joe came into office.

Trump was a great president, we had a strong economy, a strong national defense, energy independence, etc. under him despite the far left doing everything they could to destroy his presidency. Now Diaper Joe has single-handedly fucked up all the progress Trump made. You need to get out of your cult and come back to reality.


Precisely 💯


Libtards are so pathetic, they will blame anyone they have to to avoid taking responsibility for their own failed policies.


OK here you go, the motherfucker:
- Took away our energy independence on day 1
- Opened the border allowing drug and human traffickers to come in at will
- Handed Afghanistan, American hostages and billions of dollars in military weaponry to the Taliban
- Ordered a hit on the SCOTUS
- Ordered a hit on "MAGA Republicans"
- Sold political favors to foreign adversaries

He's literally guilty of everything you people have accused Trump of but the son of a bitch is probably not going to face any legal repercussions because we live in a world of liberal privilege.


If Biden is guilty of everything that Trump has been accused of then why hasn't Biden been impeached or even indicted. Trump is a criminal and a traitor. The sooner you accept this the better you'll feel. Supporting Trump is a losing endeavor. It's time to move on, Goober.


Are you incapable of reading? I have explained this many times, the Republicans are too gutless to do anything about it and we live in a society that is systematically designed to favor your cult. Damn you’re retarded. Diaper Joe is a traitor and if your cult would do the right thing and call for him to be impeached and prosecuted then you would be on the right path to being a decent human being, but instead you are continuing to blindly follow your cult leaders making you a modern day Nazi.



No conspiracy theories from me, just reporting factual information that you won’t hear in your cult meetings


You're not that dim, are you?


You don’t think that paying off Ukrainian officials to line his family’s pocket is a loathsome act? When the Burisma executive tapes are released to the public what will you say then? And I’m not making excuses for Trump. Frankly I’m sick of the corruption taking place on both sides of the aisle. Fuck ‘em both, we deserve better!


I think that making up shit like that is loathsome.


It must be nice living under a rock, I’ll come back and visit you when the Burisma executive releases the tapes of colluding with Biden and his cracked out son


So that be before or after Rudy shows up with Obama's real birth certificate?


You are either a troll or completely off your rocker.


I'm not the one fantasizing about fictitious corruption by Joe Biden


You are off in La-la land. I still have a hard time understanding how people like you actually exist.


Apparently; it is because his mother was pro-life, instead of a child sacrificing murderer, otherwise, he would not be around today spreading so many lies and nonsense. That also applies to all other lefties.


I can't fathom the levels of denial.

When George W Bush was president I was so sick of his awful policies that I switched from Republican to Independent. I didn't want to be associated with his train wreck administration. However, these maniac (and they are maniacs) lefties can't see anything wrong with their overlords. They just blindly follow and believe everything that they are told regardless of what is truly going on right before their eyes. These people really have some kind of universal mental disorder.


I told you I’d be back troll, and I included a CNN article so you couldn’t claim I was shelling out only biased right wing propaganda.
The damn is about to break wide open on these assholes and everyone affiliated with their corrupt dealings.
You can crawl back under your rock now troll, cheers.


"unverified allegations"

Come back again when you learn how to read.


It's funny that you claim you know how to think.


Blowing up pipelines on behalf Nazis?


No, but he has the deep state, the justice system and far left media covering for his constant fuck ups.



No conspiracy theory at all, it’s factual information. Your cult are the ones who peddle lies and conspiracy theories.


Sure thing, Goober. I'm not the one here who believes that Biden ordered a hit on the Supreme Court justices. You have nothing but conspiracy theories.


I have shown you the direct quote, dingleberry. He did order a hit on the Supreme Court and a far left radical almost murdered Justice Kavanaugh. Diaper Joe told his mob to go murder the SCOTUS as did Waters and Cortez.


You are insane! Stupid and gullible too. Why are you the only one making this claim? I can't find any news stories to back you up. Even your buddies here don't support you, Goober.


I literally showed you the news stories, numb nuts. You begged me for the evidence then when I showed you you said “you bore me” and you pussied out like you always do.


Sure thing, Goober. Now go brag to your trailer park buddies about how you owned me yet again. Celebrate with some cheap beer except Bud Light because you're frightened of transgenders.


Pussying out again I see. Go back to your cry room and sob into the tits of a gender studies major. I’m “frightened” of transgenders? Please show me the post that suggests that or admit you lied you fuckwit.


Aw... I triggered you again. Here, have a tissue. You really should look into anger management courses. You believe that if you drink Bud Light you will turn into a transgender. So yes, you're frightened.


HAHAHAHA, WTF are you smoking, numb nuts? Please show me where I even hinted that I think drinking Bud Light will turn you into a transgender? Also what’s your obsession with Bud Light and transgenders? You are literally the one who keeps bringing it up, guess you need something to deflect to when you’ve been owned, Guess a degree in Gender Studies was pretty worthless in the long run.


Anger management is your friend. Plus you must be really stupid to not see I'm just fucking with you. Your buttons are easy to press.


So then you can’t show me a post where I said Bud Light makes you transgender?


Dude.. I don't care. When I'm bored I fuck with you to see you become unhinged. You are winning nothing. I'm going to go now and have sex with my hot girlfriend while you go wack it to your sister/mother on Only Fans. Good night.


Thanks for conceding you lied.

And you don’t have a “hot girlfriend”, you live in your mothers basement and you are too damn fat to find your dick anymore. Couldn’t find a real job with that piece of shit Genders Studies Degree you got.


Show me when I conceded and I said I am those things because if you can't then I guess you are a liar. You really are a fucktard. My girlfriend thinks you're a fucktard too.


You literally said you “don’t care” you dumb fuck. And your girlfriend is your hand, quit lying to yourself.


I see you didn't refute the fact you wack it to your sister/mother You are sick. Seek help.


I see you didn’t refute the fact that your girlfriend is your hand. Go find a therapist you demented fuckwit.


I found a photo of your sister/mother. She looks young. How old was she when she birthed you? 12?


So then you don’t have a “hot girlfriend”, you live in your mothers basement and you are too fat to find your own dick? Damn you suck.


Whatever you say, Goober.


I accept your concession. Now go see a therapist to help you with your TDS and unnatural obsessions


Indeed, robo has a seriously obsessive and extreme case of TDS.

Based on observation; I think he has the worst case in this forum.


Oh what’s sad is he is far from the one with the worst case of TDS and that is saying something. He is also far from the craziest libtard on here. I was talking to someone named daisy mabel on here and she was literally arguing that if I had a problem with teachers teaching gender theory to students (including how to teach children how to masturbate) then that meant I was “anti-trans”, she literally wanted to expose children to pornography and then somehow thought that by keeping it out of schools it was “banning it” and preventing others from seeing it. Like WTF?


He has been a great and very successful president. He has successfully passed very significant pieces of legislation, often with bipartisan support, that are great for the people of this country.


HAHAHAHAHA, funny. Passing legislation that ass fucks the majority of the US population doesn’t make you a great president.


He is a great president. The legislative wins, the federal judge apppintments, avoiding the debt ceiling crisis - all within one of the most politically divided times in modern history. Plus just yesterday the big news is that we have averted a recession altogether, and have a much better post-covid economy than other industrialized nations. But MAGA chumps have to keep whining about nonissues and believing bs media to promote their grifters and conmen.


They live in a fact-free bubble of fear and hate.


1. He is not calling the shots, that would be the Obamas/Clintons.

2. The lefty-sheep do not support JB even when they say they do, you could replace him with a chimpanzee and they would still claim to support it as long as Trump is not POTUS.


Valid observations...


No. I don't. Usually I believe in supporting any leader but this guy is anti American so I can't support him.


Again your lack of self awareness is astounding. I guess it's okay to support twice impeached twice indicted sexual abuser one term disgraced ex-president Trump if that makes you feel good.


“Twice impeached” and “twice indicted” by a far left witch hunt that said they would to those things before he even became president. Not exactly an objective measurement. Not to mention Diaper Joe is literally guilty of everything you people accused Trump of. You are literally supporting a traitor to the United States.


I'm supporting a traitor? Trump was impeached twice for being a traitor and his latest indictment is because he is a traitor at least 37 times. But yeah, Biden is a traitor. Fuck you are stupid!


Diaper Joe literally had documents he wasn’t supposed to have in his fuckin garage you imbecile. Trump did not have one document he shouldn’t have had. Your cult doesn’t care about the rule of law, they are just trying to stop him from running and yeah like we are supposed to believe that they all of a sudden decided to indict him when the truth was coming out about Diaper Joe’s foreign corruption. I would call you retarded but you’re an insult to retards.


Aw... I triggered you again. Here, have a tissue. You really should look into anger management courses.


More deflecting which is what you always do when you’ve been intellectually raped.

You people have nothing against Trump, all you’re doing is exposing how low you will sink to win elections.


Trump. Is through. You are just too stupid to see it. He is disgraced and will never be president again.


Why is he a disgrace? Because your cult says so? That means Diaper Joe is a disgrace. The only difference is the Republicans are too gutless to hold the motherfucker accountable.

And you can moan and cry “Trump bad, Trump bad” all you want but all you’re really doing is throwing a little bitch fit like a fucking toddler.


Aw.. Poor baby. Have another tissue.


LOL,pussying out again I see. At least you’re consistent.


Quit sniveling. I'm running out of tissue.


Gutless pussy. Leave the internet and go find a safe space.


Sure thing, Goober.


Later dipshit.


See ya... Goober!


Once a pussy always a pussy


What makes him anti‐American,


It is because only paid idiot trolls like you support him.


He has proved over and over that he's not senile. Remember his amazing State of the Union address?

You're just going to have to admit that his presidency has been a great success. I know this fact makes you angry. Too bad.


That probably wouldn't get into these guy's heads. Especially since they're living in a different world compared to the majority of Biden supporters. They would literally believe everything that Fox News, OAN, Info Wars, and NewsMax would tell them, but if it's something that came from a left-leaning source, they'll call it fake news. To them, anything that doesn't benefit the Republican Party is a government conspiracy trying to dupe the people of the country, when they're the ones that's been duped in the first place. Smoke from wildfires could come to their city and Fox News would tell them that it's woke if they complained about it. The GOP profits from fearmongering and misinformation, where none of its affiliated news corporations care about reporting facts.


Joe Biden has been the worst president in my lifetime, and perhaps the worst president in American history. There have been so many debacles under him that it's not even funny. The fact that he's not sufficiently competent to serve as POTUS makes it even worse.


I'll be voting for Joe. The entire Republican Party is a treasonous lot.


I think you’re confused with the DemoKKKrats. They are literally guilty of everything they have accused Republicans of.


Nah, if anything, you're confused with the Republicans. They're the ones who are guilty of everything they accuse Democrats of. They've tried to tell you that Democrats are the real enemy without any evidence to back it up and it worked.


There is plenty of evidence that the DemoKKKrats are the real enemy. Diaper Joe told his mob to go kill Justice Kavanaugh, he is allowing a foreign invasion at the border, he has incited over 500 violent insurrections and he is colluding with and selling government access to foreign enemies. He’s a traitor and you are an accessory to it by supporting the motherfucker.


You must really be itching to live your future in a dystopian wasteland, because that's exactly where the Democrats are leading us. Don't think you're safe just because you repeat woke talking points, either.


My life's just fine. You're the sad sap who screams about Woke every 90 seconds.


I was saying it because sooner or later, they'll be coming for you. The revolution eats its own. When you subscribe to an extreme ideology, it will eventually consume you as well. If you think you're "just fine", just wait.
