More people dislike Trump than not. Period. It's not that hard to understand. Even a lot of people I know who voted for him in 2016, to cast a protest vote against the status quo, because they were picturing a different kind of "shakeup" than the one we got, or whatever, voted for Joe Biden this time around. Despite some of them expecting a return to the status quo again - it's better than the eventual Civil War we would've gotten with a second Trump term.
This man is nothing but a wrecking ball, and has never been anything else his whole life. I'm from New York. We know him better than most of the country, whose main exposure pre-2016 was The Apprentice. Where he comes across as kind of a prick ... but a competent prick. Nothing could be further from the truth. He has never done anything to a legitimate business except run it into the ground. He's been a successful con man. That's the only reason he wasn't flat broke many years ago. And because, at least until 1999, his father Fred kept funneling money his way to bail him out of trouble. Look at him onstage giving one of his unhinged, egotistical, rage and vitriol speeches. That's Donald Trump. That's all he is, all he does. He's a pitchman who knows how to put on a show and feed people exactly what they want to hear.
The fact that Donald Trump gathered huge crowds, unmasked, undistanced, while Joe Biden had rallies with people in household groups in or near their cars, shows you a very important difference between the two men. Joe Biden actually gives a shit about people other than himself. Trump does not.