R.I.P. - Dead at 91

Oh no




Damn, this is why I get a sinking feeling whenever I see a profile pic here of old actors trending.

He was prolific. I think the last movie I saw with him was Knives Out!

He's Canadian btw. He once remarked that many people -- including reviewers -- assumed that he was British, but he had no idea where that misconception came from.

My guess is that it came from his refined demeanour. He didn't have a British accent, but he did have a peculiar and precise way of speaking which maybe suggested he was trying to downplay a British accent.


Someone's been bumping a few of the old timers in light of CPs passing .. like there would be another on the same day. It dosnt work like that tho


Rest in peace. He seemed cool.

He died while I was grocery shopping. :’(


A wonderfully gifted actor, able to play any role with seemingly effortless skill, no matter what sort of character it was. We're losing too many of his quality these days.


Lived a full and active life.

I always thought he was Scandinavian for the longest time due to his interchangeable look with Max von Sydow



The 2nd best Star Trek movie villain (it was such a coup to get a high class big movie name for a Star Trek villain..and of course he and Shatner went way back)

He'd have made a great Sir Captain Tom for the movie they plan to make soon 😩


Did Jack Nicholson have something to say?



My favorite of his films are Sound of Music, Somewhere in Time
