Definitely gay.

I think his current relationship is just a sham just like his marriage. if he was straight he would of definitely looked up with one of the female co-star from friends. They were really hot back in the day.


Unless either one of you knows Matt LeBlanc, you're both just guessing. You sneer, rascal, because someone wants to see him as straight, while you hypocritically want to see him as gay. I've seen enough of your posts to know that there are a number of celebrities that you not only have to see as gay, but have to accuse others of being homophobic as a way to justify -- well, you say it so often that it looks like you need to believe everyone's against you so you can justify your misanthropy.

Bottom line -- neither of you knows, so it's pointless to insult people about it. Except that's what you do -- insult people.

I'd almost feel sorry for you, except you're so hate-filled toward -- basically, everybody but your handful of virtual reality friends. 

When evil is viewed as good, righteousness is viewed as evil.
