Definitely gay.

I think his current relationship is just a sham just like his marriage. if he was straight he would of definitely looked up with one of the female co-star from friends. They were really hot back in the day.


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Your comment is just laughable, not to mention juvenile.


One of the dumbest posts on IMDB, and that says a lot.


I wonder how many options there were from that show. Probably a lot.


Who's to say they all didn't hook up back in the day? Lots of people go out with co-workers and no one ever knows about it.

I don't think he's gay, but I really don't care. His show, "Episodes" is hilarious!


Who's to say they all didn't hook up back in the day?
Lol...I know, right? It was reported a long time ago that the six cast members made a group pact to not get involved with each other like that for the sake of the show, but for all we know they did the opposite to get it out of their systems. It reminds me of Chandler's line, "Hey, yeah, we could all sleep together and then one of us could get amnesia!"

I don't doubt that LeBlanc is into women. I believe him when he says there was a time he had a crush on Jennifer Aniston.

Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.


I don't doubt that LeBlanc is into women. I believe him when he says there was a time he had a crush on Jennifer Aniston.
I don't doubt that LeBlanc is into men. I believe him when he says there was a time he had a crush on Jennifer Aniston. It makes him look heterosexual "normal". You go on and believe whatever it is you want too, if it panders to your revulsion of homosexuality and just sweep it under the rug. Others are smart enough to see right through your charade.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.
