MovieChat Forums > Ellen Burstyn Discussion > How Did This Broad Get Famous?

How Did This Broad Get Famous?

She was shoved down our throats in 70s cinema, but she had the charisma of a sweatsock, and has stood the test of time about as well as a rotary-dialed telephone. Was she getting humped by Harvey Weinstein‘s papa? That would explain it.

I have always thought she was/is a nonentity.


Ever see The Exorcist?


She's not even hot, bro!


Well, Heath Barkley had a thing for her! I saw an episode of the old Big Valley show. In it Heath stopped by to see his old girlfriend Sarah who was now Sister Jacob, a nun. He acted like he sorted still loved her. Just a weird pairing.

She played a very sweet and kind person, but kind of bland and hardly someone who would keep a guy's loins burning for her. Just really odd casting. Don't know why the show didn't cast a really beautiful woman in the role.


She was gorgeous on a great two-part episode of Gunsmoke playing Johnny Whitaker's wandering mom. She had a lot of other women to play against on-screen - to read between the lines it was a traveling brothel whose madam was Ruth Roman - but she was the prettiest among them. And incidentally, filmed the same year as The Last Picture Show, a great movie she was in. She's worked a lot in a very long career.


Resurrection is a good one to check out if you haven't seen it..


She's talented, attractive, and charismatic. Is there something else, missing from that list, that you require?


I'm sure the OP(iece) is no longer here.
