MovieChat Forums > Roman Polanski Discussion > She was raped. Who Says: ‘I Was Fine. I’...

She was raped. Who Says: ‘I Was Fine. I’m Still Fine.’

Samantha Geimer is once again defending Roman Polanski, who raped her in 1977 when she was 13 years old.

“Let me be very clear: what happened with Polanski was never a big problem for me,”. “I didn’t even know it was illegal, that someone could be arrested for it. I was fine, I’m still fine.
The fact that we’ve made this [a big deal] weighs on me terribly. To have to constantly repeat that the rape it wasn’t a big deal, it’s a terrible burden.”


Roman Polanski was a Holocaust survivor! In a place where sexual assaults where plentiful. You can read about it here:

It might be that he is passing it forward. All those children. His taste for them. The evil he experienced he gave to others.


That’s like saying, the reason Bill Cosbey drugged and raped women, by the truck load apparently, is because of the evils done to people of color.

This is not a generational trauma type thing, or an inherited evil being passed forward, this was a grown man seizing an opportunity to receive sexual gratification by drugging and raping a 13 year old child, nothing more, nothing less.


Good analogy
I don’t get why people are so adamant to defend him.



Although surviving a terrible trauma like the Holocaust must do immense damage to many individuals, there is no real link between the evil that was done to Polanski, and the evil that he did to others, and as you say, this specific crime was an opportunistic one rather than a 'cathartic' response to trauma.


Don't you think this is offensive to other Holocaust survivors, the VAST MAJORITY of whom *didn't* become child rapists (in fact, I don't know of any others who did)?

One can feel sorry for what Polanski went through (clearly, what with surviving the Holocaust/his mother being murdered during the Holocaust, and then the later brutal murder of his pregnant wife, the first half of Polanski's life was marked by sins done to *him*), but that still doesn't justify a crime that he would have *known* to be wrong, against a child.

I can see no direct connection between the evil done to him, and the evil done to others. Yes, hurt people *hurt [other] people* (and, as I say, one can still feel sorry for the things done to him, whilst condemning his own actions) but, as I say, there is no reason why a Holocaust survivor would 'inevitably' become a child rapist. NONE.


Are Jewish men more prone to rape ?


If there were new facts in the case he could have gotten re-trial, or a mis-trial.
But he chose to flee to another country like the guilty scumbag he is.
It doesn't matter what the girl says now - what matters is the law.


We need to start blaming the victim! She was raped. He came inside her. It's her fault.
