MovieChat Forums > Sean Penn Discussion > Sean heads to Ukraine

As Spicoli might say, "Whoa..."


And if he gets killed there, will anyone miss him?

I think not!


He'll be missed plenty when he's gone. He'll also be remembered for quite some years.


Hi, Sean!

You're a good actor, but speaking as a life-long active Leftie... shut up and act, dude! You're an embarrassment.


"speaking as a life-long active Leftie" You always know the person is not when they start with that.

If you were then you'd appreciate him more for his humanitarian work than for his acting.

He's brilliant at both. Were you down in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, Haiti, Puerto Rico? I thought not.

Sean Penn is awesome in every which way regardless of screaming Karens from rich Cuban exile families at airports.


Otter's father looked a bit like Sean or something. Leave him be, he's got enough on his plate.



Sean Penn is literally his character from the Secret Life of Walter Mitty.


He can share is high opinion of communism with the Ukrainian people.


Good luck. There are a number of ways to get hurt over there and I'm not even talking about the murderous Russians. Get in a car and head for Poland Sean (Godspeed).


So anyone who does humanitarian work is communist? Are you making a pitch for communism here?


Anyone who praises Commie dictators is also a Commie!


after flying to Kyiv to film war documentary for VICE

Sean Penn has been filming a documentary about the escalating tension in Ukraine since November last year
On Thursday, he visited the Ukrainian Government's offices and spoke with military leaders
The actor sat front row in a press briefing, wearing sunglasses and a beige bomber jacket
He is being lauded by the Ukrainian Government, which said he has the courage 'Western leaders lack'


Being an expert on film acting naturally makes him an expert on international diplomacy. Either that or a smug, hubristic, self-righteous twat.


An expert on film acting? More like an expert on over-acting.


Yeah, you've got a point there.

