What are his best good guy roles?
And which do you think he is/was better at?
shareCan’t fully reply to your question, but to me his best good guy roles are Navarre in Ladyhawke, Eric in Soldier of Orange, and Pieter Brueghel in The Mill and the Cross.
I haven’t seen enough of his bad guy roles to have formed an opinion.
Ladyhawke, Blade Runner, and Flesh+Blood. This last movie is relatively unknown, but it's a bloody masterpiece.
shareLadyhawke easily the best.
Flesh & Blood was more of an anti-hero role but he was also great in it.
Ladyhawke was one of my favorite movies, but it hasn't aged that well. It still beats modern fantasy movies easily, though (you take away CGI and Photoshop in modern movies, we would be surprised how crappy they really are).
shareBlind Fury. Love that film.
He can do both bad and good very well.
He can do both bad and good very well.
sharebeing the bad guy of course
shareI grew up with Wedlock and Split second
shareBlood of Heroes and Omega Doom are OK in my book.
shareGotta be Hobo With a Shotgun.