MovieChat Forums > Alec Baldwin Discussion > It had to be Alec in this situation..

It had to be Alec in this situation..

just can't picture any other movie star in this bizarre situation, but there was always something about Alec.. the hot headed temper tantrums, giving the paps regular beatdowns for bothering him, the feuding with Kim Basinger stuff (no doubt bullying her), all the constant Trump bashing .. Its like its all came to a head that fateful day, like (a manifestation of) destiny,. in the form of a bullet that destroyed not only a woman's life, but his own (despite how hard he's tried to make it seem not so), and now with the charge of manslaughter and impending trial (where if there was any real wrong doing/blame on his part it will be uncovered, no doubt what he was wanting to avoid for those reasons) its like he has to pay for all his past aggression/excess/privilege/indulgences/recklessness/anger issues etc


Like they say, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Well its like he's getting a form of comeuppance, but it remains to be seen if justice will truly be served (a prison sentence)


He can do his Trump impersonation when he's sitting in prison and kind of fulfill all those obsessive left wing fantasists dreaming about Trump in prison.


It doesn't affect his legal culpability, but his behavior seems to continue in the "Alec Baldwin mode" on this.

He recently gave an interview where he said something like "do you realize that I've lost five JOBS from this already?"

He's rich. He won't go broke..for awhile. Meanwhile, the woman lost her LIFE.


do you realize that I've lost five JOBS from this already?

Yeah 5 jobs that each probably pay more than 90% of Americans will see in their lifetime.

Cry me a river, and I hope you get pounded daily in prison, in the place where you fart from.


The jury is not going to like him and his lack of humility. But he is an actor and can probably play a humble and contrite character to get off


karma is real. you get out of life what you put into it.


alec, we will never forget your willful taking of a woman's life


i won't. but for me, young handsome Alec and old fat Alec are two totally different people. so it doesn't ruin his movies for me.


I like "Beetlejuice" Alec. I could have a beer with that guy.


it'd be your last brewski as afterward Alec would shoot you in the face


Oh dear… well that doesn’t sound pleasant at all! 🤔


oof. that's the problem with this kind of thing. he's gonna be punchline forever now.


Look at this armorer .. This is not someone that I would hire to handle weapons .


I bet she can't even field dress a deer.


she could barely dress herself to go pick up that fast food burger


I’m not seeing former military or law enforcement there


If your armorer doesnt look like this, you probably need to continue looking.


Her father Thell Reed is a long-time veteran in the industry who is supposedly one of the best and has worked on a long list of Hollywood movies and such. I guess they were hoping the apple wouldn't fall far from the tree. Plus everyone's got to start somewhere I guess. I think she was probably still too young to be going at it on her own.!/quality/80/?


It's more likely that she was chosen more for her gender and age than her pedigree. Apparently..
