MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Taking away his Oscar would be ridiculou...

Taking away his Oscar would be ridiculous even if he murdered Chris.

It's an award for best actor, not best person. They gave Roman Polanski an Oscar.

It would be interesting to see how it would work though. They couldn't literally take his Oscar, that would be theft. They could give a different actor an Oscar, but how would that work? Would they have to vote again, and have another award ceremony just for that category?


Does the recipient actually own the Oscar statue? I remember hearing that there were a lot of rules surrounding what could and could not be done with one.

That aside, I imagine the MPA could simply delete the award administratively and put someone else’s name in the records. It would be an odd way to win though.

“Best Actor for 2021 who is not Will Smith”


That aside, I imagine the MPA could simply delete the award administratively and put someone else’s name in the records. It would be an odd way to win though.

It would. And what actor would want to win that way? I was told that I'd won an Oscar in that manner (not likely!) I'd decline. I'm sure many actors would. Not out of any loyalty to Smith, but it's like a 'consolation prize'.


It's not about being a good person. It's about assaulting one of your peers at the friggin' awards show.


Which is why he got the ban, while other people have not had the ban. It was at the awards show. If he slapped Rock on a talk show, or on the street, there wouldn't have been any reason for the ban.




The Oscar is an award for a performance (allegedly, a lot of it today is wink and nod but that's another issue), not good citizenship.

Same with Pete Rose. He was correctly banned from baseball but his records and awards will always stand, as they should.


Pete Rose didn't punch out an umpire at the big game and those numbers were over an entire career. Not the same thing as Will Smith assaulting a presenter at the award show, where he won said award. And it's the Academy's award to rescind if they deem it necessary.


What if Rock had fought back? You are going to award an Oscar to a brawling mentally unstable crackpot? The public wouldn't stand for it: the Academy would have to nix the award.

The Academy would have been congratulated if they had quietly removed Smith at the first commercial break (yes even if he didn't want to). Then as the best Actor Nom was being read, as Smith the winner, just send someone else up to accept.


Pete Rose didn't punch out an umpire at the big game..

Correct. What Pete did was *far* worse.


That ain't the point. It's not "what" was done. It's "where" it was done. If he'd done it in the parking lot afterwards, it'd be totally different.


If he'd done it in the parking lot afterwards, it'd be totally different.

I agree - I said that in another thread. They could have thrown hands and busted noses in the parking lot or an after-Oscar party, and it would be a side story already forgotten.

But nothing Smith did to Rock, publicly or otherwise, has anything to do with the award for a movie he was in. Same with Weinstein and Polanski.

Look, I'd be fine if they took Smith's Oscar away - it doesn't matter to me either way, but if discussing the matter, I have to be fair and my personal opinion is that his award and his assault on Chris Rock are unrelated. But if they take Smith's Oscar (again, fine with me - I can't stand the guy), then I will argue vociferously that they should also take Weinstein's and Polanski's at the same time in the name of consistency.


They would be unrelated, IF it had happened anywhere else. There has to be consequences for what he did, with millions of people watching around the world. The Academy can't fine him, they can't jail him, they can't push for prosecution. Banning him and stripping his award is the only thing in their power to do.

Using your own logic, Weinstein and Polnski are both scumbags but their awards really do have nothing to do with their vile actions.

Also as you said, I really don't care either way either. I'm just looking at it logically. They can all rot in hell for all I care. We'd all be better off if they were all knocked off their high horse. They're 'just' actors.


Using your own logic, Weinstein and Polnski are both scumbags but their awards really do have nothing to do with their vile actions.



Well he's getting to keep his Oscar as he should. You are right, he won it for his performance in a motion picture. What happened between his and Chris Rock is unrelated. However more and more people are getting fired from their jobs over non worked related issues. For instance some teacher goes on vacation, she posts sexy pics of her on the beach then posts them on facebook. The school finds out and lets her go. Criticize your boss on social media or have the wrong political opinion then you can be fired to. Anyway The Academy doesn't want be seen as racist so that's the reason Will gets to keep his award. It would look racist if they took his award while letting Polanski keep his


If an Oscar falls in the woods does anyone hear it?
