Martin Scorsese Laments "Young People's" Understanding of Cinema, Shoots Down Question on Lack of Female Characters
Good for him, lack of female characters doesn't mean we have to panic and suck up to any talentless women just to make up fuckin quotas?
Do women get their breaks these days because modern men are spineless?
There's no reasoning with these people so just defend your stance and then walk away. Marty did the right thing, these people are like trolls so don't feed them.
share“If the story doesn’t call for it…it’s a waste of everybody's time," said 'The Irishman' helmer about the discussion of showcasing roles for women in his films”
That says it all right there.
Women in general lack character but women in media really lack character.
shareGood point actually. You can watch the worst revenge type film starring a male and feel his angst. Watch one with a female and it lacks plausibility. EG: Peppermint.
shareHavent seen that one though it looks good and has gotten a lot of raves.
But in general yea. Though similarity in pain You can sort of feel daredevils pain though it was ben, but with electra it was just jaded.
Just like when it comes to finding suitors.
I agree with him on this. Making characters female/black/Asian/transgender/gay etc just to tick some boxes does not make a movie better. It should suit the story. Oh yeah, there aren't any stories anymore.
shareThose complaining about "not enough women" in his movies have forgotten about Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, a Scorsese film specifically about a woman of the 1970s, three-dimensional, sympathetic, very true to life. When a film he's making calls for a major woman character, he can deliver.
shareOh shit, since he chose to share HIS OPINION that comic book movies are "not cinema", now the "outrage brigade" and comic book nerds are going to come after him and rip apart everything he says from now on until they force him into exile.
I will not sit here and let the "offendeds" rid us of my favorite director. Hey, he doesn't like comic book movies...get the fuck over it and move on. Not everyone likes comic book movies. Sorry I'm not sorry to say this as well...Scorsese's best films leave the best comic book movies of all time in the dust. Not even in the same ballpark.
The man is a genius, and now in an era where society picks every damn word someone says apart until we are blue in the face and hammers them with PC/Diversity quota questions, it is the job of the sane people left in the world to tell this "outrage culture" mob to once and for all, shut the fuck up!!!
Seriously, "offendeds", enjoy your lives, and quit complaining about every damn thing in life. Nobody likes you, and whether anyone wants to tell you that or not, it's true. Nobody at a party wants to talk to the person who gets offended by every conversation and feels the need to lecture everyone on society's ills after every joke at a party. Find that part of your brain that shut down and destroyed your sense of humor, and turn it back on. Or stay away from the portion of society who can still take a joke, or take ANY criticism.
Hey, even I disagree with Scorsese's comments, and I like comic book movies, and even though I am beyond sick of them, the two final Avengers movies were really good! But guess what, Scorsese doesn't like them. Who cares...move on. It's so simple. I see where this is going...don't you dare chase the old man out of Hollywood. He's one of the last great directors out there who can still make amazing ORIGINAL INNOVATIVE films, and make them really well.
He's also completely right with the comments about female leads. If the story he is telling does not call for a female lead, there should not be one. He makes a lot of movies about mobsters in the 70's, including The Irishman...women were not as prominent in a lot of these TRUE stories, so why just add one in the film when it doesn't call for it?
If people are going start bitching about his lack of female characters in his movies (which isn't true, but the "offendeds" don't care), don't watch it, and go make your own movie, and you can have as many female characters as you'd like. That's what makes this country great, and that is what outrage culture is trying to destroy.
The more he talks the more he sounds like a old man yelling get off my lawn.
This and Tarantino just sandblasting questions like this are good. I'm sick of people acting like the Bechdel Test is also a test of quality. No. Wrong. It isn't. Tell the story you want to tell. Have the roles you want to have. Is it a good movie? Good. If not? Try again. But that has nothing to do with demographics. Nothing. I'm sick of it.
I love that he's calling it like it is on the glut of superhero pictures, too. I like superheros, I like movies about superheros, but time once was there was a little variety in the big movies. They'd move in cycles, summer, fall, winter, spring, each season bringing different flavours of movie. There was variety within the cycles, too, movies aimed at different audiences, action pictures or comedy flicks for adults. Now it's all comics. Worse, they're all connected. You don't even get the fun of seeing Batman ala Nolan and Spiderman via Sam Raimi, now they all look the same, sound the same, act the same. It's gotten boring and it's too much.