MovieChat Forums > Kevin Costner Discussion > Has there ever been a more bland and unc...

Has there ever been a more bland and uncharismatic actor as Kevin Costner?

He is literally the ham sandwich of actors in the history of hollywood. He has the most monotone voice, slow in his vernacular. All of his roles are almost the same damn stoic bullshit crappy character.

He went out of his comfort zone one time in a 40 year career to make Mr Brooks. Other than that, this dude is the very definiition of mediocrity


I admit the only movies I really like that he did are The Untouchables, Robin Hood Prince of thieves, Man of Steel, and Batman V Superman. I hadn't seen Water World in several years. Somehow the only part I remember is the part where Kevin Costner pees into a device that makes his pee drinkable.


Bring it meat.


He's a real everyman - pedestrian.


I think his charisma is what has kept him popular for 4 decades. He's not a great actor, but he has been in some really good movies and has played mostly likeable everyman types.


Robert Redford.
