MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > You're marooned on a desert island and.....

You're marooned on a desert island and....

No, I'm not going to ask you which one thing you wish you had with you.

Obviously it's sunscreen. If you had put some on before you boarded that sunken ship (or crashed plane) you wouldn't be marooned.


Uhm, what?

Have you turned into TheMan18?

If so, your posts must be longer and make even less sense.


Think about this a little harder, hornfels. Then check back in.


How do you board a sunken ship or a crashed plane?

I think your breakfast muffin was expired.


Well, it wasn't sunken or crashed when you boarded it, but obviously it had to sink or crash for you to end up on a desert island.


I'm very confused.

Being colour blind probably doesn't help.


Your words expose you.

Like you wouldn't know exactly what I meant.


I don't get it. A play on the word marooned?

Edit: Maroon: a brownish-crimson color. So you wouldn't be marooned (turned brown) with sunscreen on.


That, or an important PSA on the use of sunscreen before any trip involving water with islands in it, whichever you find more impressive.

Edit: I view maroon as a shade of red.


This song belongs in this hot mess of a topic:

: P


People who don't wear sunscreen turn into hot messes, too.

Good song, though.


I was sure this was going to be: "Which MovieChat poster would you most like to be stranded on a desert island (provided there is food, water, clothing, and shelter) with?"

But no. Just a play on the word maroon. Got it.


"Just" a play on the word maroon? You act like this isn't mind-blowing.

And feel free to take someone from MovieChat with you, but you're going to need to buy extra sunscreen.


Nicely done, lemons.



Thank you. I was overtaken by ridiculousness earlier this afternoon.

[a smidgen]


Who do I look like? Gilligan? Now there was a "maroon".


What if a moron ate a macaroon while wearing maroon?

That sentence makes my brain hurt.


My family is nuts for the beach.
They all want to leave New York for this glorious place called Naples Florida. It is a paradise but who deserves ‘paradise…?’

NONE OF US. It’s all pain.

It gets real cold and shitty here in New York but goddamit I’m NOT a quitter. I was born here and I’ll be goddamned buried or burned here.
I have no preference and won’t be around for it anyway.

Hardly anyone will ever care and that’s how I want it.

I would like a flint and tinder kit.
Fire is most important.


You OK Shogie?

This was just a silly thread of mine but you're right, if we were deserted on an island being able to build a fire would be of utmost importance.


Yes, I’m fine.
It’s a bit cold here and I was about to light the fireplace prior to typing this last night.

Apologies for the hastily written post, that’s on me🥸


No apologies needed at all! I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay. Glad to hear that you are. ❤️


Brings me back full circle to this. Yeah, it's up there in the top four: shelter, fire, water and food.

Got an Arctic Blast moving in on the heels of the worst snowstorm we've had here in over sixty years. They're talking -20 to -35.

There have been times I've said, "...they can bury me in Potter's Field for all I care" or, "...they can bury me upside down so the rest of the world can kiss my ass!" 😉


Wow! That’s terribly cold, they grow toughies out west!

Yeah, that is a great movie. Hanks is great in everything.


You consider the middle of Kansas "out west"? Ok. 😉 I'm empathizing with the people out west dealing with historic wild fires in the middle of January. And also people in the southeastern USA dealing with tornadoes at this time of year. How crazy is this weather? It always moves east, and you guys on the east coast seem to catch it worse than we do.

An interesting, quirky movie I watched a couple of days ago somewhat similar to this


That’s the thing about us damn New Yorkers, we think every place is the far north, down south or out west lol!

But seriously, those fires are terrifying. At least 27 dead, 12,000 homes and businesses destroyed, the land is ravaged. It’s pretty much all people are talking about here back east.

It’s going to take years to recover from all of this.


Where I live is sometimes referred to as "flyover country" and it's used as a way of saying, "It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there." 😁

Yeah, I've been watching that coverage daily and it's just been mind blowing. The most recent clip I saw was of people coming together to begin the clean up process. That was so damn inspiring! Where would you begin after such loss? "A thousand mile journey begins with a single step" Guess I answered my own question.


The government needs to step in, our billions of tax dollars will be needed to repair roads and rehouse those unfortunate people.

It’s a national disaster that none of them deserved.

I wonder how many people will rebuild considering that the insurance companies are going to be hesitant to pay out or cover wildfires anymore.

What a nightmare for couples with kids in schools and nice communities that were destroyed. It’s a big mess.


I have no doubt the government will step in. There's a new day dawning on Monday. Trump likes his music also.


The government better step up and do right. They are spending our money on feeding and housing illegals. They better take care of Americans first.


Invaders is the right word, not immigrants.



Americans first.


True, but I guess you could say I got burned either way…



I went to bed last night feeling like this abstract art piece of a message board thread was unfinished. I just couldn't put my finger on what else was needed. I woke up to see that you had added the final brush strokes.

Good work. 😁


Drugs are no good for you


But sunscreen is!
