MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your Favourite Song About Murder

Your Favourite Song About Murder

Inspired by fourlemons post about songs that make you cry, I thought, people cry when someone is murdered, so how about listing your favourite song about murder. I know it's a stretch but go with it.

People like to rag on rap music for being violent, but country artists can be just as violent, maybe with a bit more harmony.

My favourite is Buried Treasure by Kenny Rogers:

(Sidebar, I had a velour sweater like that too - they were super comfy).

And your favourite?


Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue - Where the Wild Roses Grow.

On this unusual duet, Nick Cave sings about bashing Kylie over the head with a rock before pushing her in a river and letting her drown - charming: -


Wanted to mention that one as well.


Andy names a good one -- which comes from a whole album, Murder Ballads, of really good Nick Cave songs about murder...

... but I'm going to go with PJ Harvey: 'Down by the Water' -- which, in case there's any doubt, is about a mother drowning her own child.


I think Diane by Therapy? is pretty good.


Uncle Tom's Cabin - Warrant

Killer song and great video


I rather not say.


Good idea. Sometimes you gotta keep ideas in your backpocket in case you need them later on.



Always loved this one. I think I like it better than the original.


Yeah, me too.

Nice groove to it. Still sounds good, some 50 odd years later.


Sometimes I don't know what to do with you. You're quite the handful.

If you really want a song about a group of crows I found this one on the internet. Never heard it before 5 minutes ago but any song by a band named Crud is worth sharing.


I think you were talking to samoanjoes and borrowed one of his horrible songs.

That song murdered my ears so I guess it counts.


Is this one better?

Too bad you didn't post this thread a month ago.


Well, to defend Santa, that sounds like an accident, not murder.

But given my generous nature, I'll allow it.


Well I wasn't saying that Santa was a murderer, but we don't know the intentions of that reindeer. Reindeer can't talk and anything could be going through their minds, especially after having to drag a loudly laughing fat man around the world in one night.


Are you saying that Rudolph's nose is red because he's a drunk?


I don't believe I mentioned anything about alcohol involvement and I don't think the song explicitly blames Rudolph although I don't feel like running the whole thing through in my head right now. Or listening to it.

It just seems to me that if you have a team of exhausted reindeer one of them might think that if they trampled a grandma they'd at least get to rest a while while they answer the policeman's questions.


You know, you could have just posted a link to Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks and saved some time.


I don't know that song, and I've already posted a link to one song I don't know in this thread.

By the way, I want to hear a little more about that velour sweater.


It wasn't just one.

Parkerbot was stylin' in the 70s and early 80s.

Here's a re-creation:


I knew you were a softie.


Only on the outside.

Inside I'm all metamorphic rock- look at me using geology word things.


"Horrible songs".

You give everything a 0/10. I don't think you like any song ever.


You take that back.

I just gave your bird song a generous 7 out of 10.


It wasn't even a legitimate song.


Sorry for the delay, I had to consult my parchment scroll of rocks and minerals.

Really, I was just taking a shower.

A metamorphic rock surrounded by a softer exterior makes you a hornfels, which seems to perfectly suit a fella who spent his younger years lounging in velour.
