MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you think its entirely normal that we...

Do you think its entirely normal that we can't hook up and meet with famous celebrities?

And is it really both fair and logical, besides it being a fact, that they are guarded so well that those guarding them are prepared fully to use force maybe even "lethal" one if strangers or someone gets too close to them and is it normal that public people have special degrees of privacy that normal people do not?



I think it makes sense that celebrities need an extra layer of security that the rest of us don't. Being in the public eye, they can attract the attention of crazy stalker types more easily.

I would not want to hook up with a celebrity or try to enter into a relationship with one because their lives are so different in every way, as well as their mindsets, that I don't think they could ever relate to me.

Also, fantastic post length!


Cheers for the last part fourlemons, haha. :) But I was also not in the mood for long posts.


It's more the fact that there are a lot of us and few of them. Many celebrities hook up with non-celebrities. And when celebrities hook up with each other, they always seem to break up.




...has a restraining order against you.




Yes, it's entirely normal. Celebrities are rare relative to non-celebrities, so it's a matter of supply and demand. Major celebrities have millions of fans, and even if they spent every waking moment "hooking up and meeting with" their fans, say, 16 of them a day, spending 1 hour with each one, for the rest of their lives, there would still be millions of fans who would be left out.

Some of them attend conventions or whatever where the general public can meet them briefly and perhaps get an autograph and/or picture taken with them.


Yes. Just like we can't just easily become close friends with rich non-famous people. They're careful. They're raised to be, or quickly figure it out.


It may not be normal, but it's a necessity.

Look what happened to John Lennon.

Obviously this isn't the norm - but it does indicate what can happen.

None of has any idea what some of the nutcases out there are capable of doing.

If you're in the public eye, you'd have to take precautions.


What are you talking about?

I have Donny Benét locked in my basement at this very moment.

You find out which vet they take their pet to and then abduct, I mean, meet them at the vet's office one day by "chance."
