MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The most overrated holiday is

The most overrated holiday is

New Year's (Eve and Day)!!!

You're just flipping the calendar, for the sake of Pete.


If not, then what is the most overrated holiday?


💯 agree. I understand why some people like using it as a marker for setting new goals and habits, but it’s never resonated with me because it feels so arbitrary and meaningless. Why wait until the "new" year to start working on what you want to do or improve? Just start now!


Exactly! And people should work on improving when they have the willpower to do it. Strike while the iron is hot, so to speak. Not wait til January 1st. If I don't do something self-improvement related when the willpower hits it's probably not going to get done.


Thanksgiving seems overrated to me. All you do is stuff your face with bland, boring food, and then fall asleep in front of the TV watching football (which I don't enjoy at all) while hanging out with relatives you tolerate for a week and then avoid until Christmas.
