Do you miss your 20s?
For me, not really. It was kinda stressful.
But sometimes I feel old and I'm only almost 39...I know age is just a number, but still....
For me, not really. It was kinda stressful.
But sometimes I feel old and I'm only almost 39...I know age is just a number, but still....
I was one of those 75% of men who cannot find a girlfriend during their 20s and I learned what to do when I was 29 already.
If I had known during my 20s already what I learned when I was 29 I would surely be missing my 20s today, but the way it was back then and from todays view being over 60 by now, I'm missing my 30s.
Nah. Time passes, it happens.
I miss how pain free my body was in my 20s, but that's about it.
shareYes and no. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. So much happened in my 20s, so much good and so much bad. If I could go back and do it over, I would, mainly to relive the good times, but I find it best not to linger in the past too much.
shareNo, but I miss my teens.
shareNo, my life has been thankfully pretty good for nearly 50 years. I just look at different parts of my life as chapters in a book. My 20’s were awesome, but so were my 30s, 40s and 50s.
shareNo, my life has been thankfully pretty good for nearly 50 years. I just look at different parts of my life as chapters in a book. My 20’s were awesome, but so were my 30s, 40s and 50s.
The first 10 years were pretty horrendous, but thankfully it got a lot after that. I’ll be 58 soon.
shareI did a lot of foolish, criminal nonsense in my twenties. Quite frankly I was a drunk driving, brawling, pot dealing rascal and I’m not proud of any of it.
I’m much more peaceful, polite and agreeable now but my bones and muscles ache!
I’m sure we’ve all done crazy stuff in our youth, but we survived and are probably in a better position for it.
As for the aches and pains, I highly recommend either joining a gym or building a home gym. Approaching 50 I was just over 230lbs (105kg). After a short time I was down to 185lbs (85kg) - that’s a medium sized suitcase on a plane!
I gave away 7 bin bags of clothes to charity and had to buy all new clothes, but I feel so much better for it.
This is Andy now in 2024
Yeah, I’ll take things that will never happen for me for $500 Alex.
shareWe do have a nice home gym in the finished part of the basement but only my wife and son use it.
I’m simply too lazy after work but by skipping meals and hiking I’ve dropped down to only about 200 pounds over the last five years👍
The only thing to bear in mind is that once you hit 40 your muscle mass starts to reduce.
shareOh man we definitely peak around 35. I was The Incredible Hulk 16 years ago, I could have given Ivan Drago a good beating!
Now I’m constantly fasting and very careful about my ankle, knee and lower back.
This aging stuff is pretty awful!