"You dont want to have a conversation you just want to argue."
More comical irony from you. The conversation should have been over when I told you it that it's impossible to fake the Mandela Effect. The only way it's possible for it to be a "psyop" is if someone is intentionally causing the Mandela Effect with technology that would be considered sci-fi by the mainstream scientific community. It's certainly not possible for it to be a conventional psyop like you've been trying to argue.
"I told you nevermind and it wasnt worth arguing about."
Unfortunately for you, you're not a moderator or administrator here, so that carried exactly zero weight.
"What was so hard to understand about that?"
Your non sequitur is dismissed.
"Whos the confused and thick headed one here?"
You are. I already told you that.
"Also rude and arrogant BTW."
More comical irony, coming from the dullard who was "rude and arrogant" before I said anything that could be considered as such.
"Look Ive been polite and considerate to you long enough clown. Im not going to continue this so you can try to dumb me to death with you ignorance."
Comical Irony Alert: Parts III & IV
"Go spend some time reading Phycological Warfare Operations manuals and you will learn pretty quickly how multi layered they are."
Why would I do that? Psychological warfare operations have precisely fuckall to do with the Mandela Effect. Everything you've said about them has been off-topic, i.e., a non sequitur. You have yet to explain how a psyop could be behind the Mandela Effect, aside from the following laughable and easily refuted assertion of yours:
"No you just change the new media. Then put out operatives across the net to say its always been that way and they are changing history with their "Hidden Time Traveling Technology".
"You are not grasping what I was explaining just talking out your rear and trying to instigate arguments for your goal of creating chaos in a forum. NO SALE. NOT INTERESTED."
This is another non sequitur from you, as well as Comical Irony Alert: Part V. Nothing you typed is difficult to "grasp" at all; the problem is that it's all off-topic, which indicates that you're not the fastest horse in the stable.
"Get some therapy if this venting and shitstarting is your pastime. Go for a walk. Play Sudoku... whatever. LEARN SOME MANNERS and try to avoid these emotional outbursts you have. Im not an online therapist."
Your non sequitur is dismissed, and this is Comical Irony Alert: Part VI for you, given that I haven't used any emotive language nor other indicators of emotion at all, while you keep typing things in all caps.
"I dont do the conversing with hyperemotional wackjobs on the internet stuff"
Your non sequitur is dismissed and this is Comical Irony Alert: Part VII for you, Captain Caps Lock.
"Until then you can go on ignore cupcake. Im finished with you."
Your tacit concession is noted and your resignation is accepted.