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If you could make a law, what would it be?

Tax all Churches/mosques and whatever other religious institutions

--Michael D. Clarke


Don't piss me off.

I think that covers everything everyone needs!


1. IQ minimums to post online
2. Fist fights are legal again.


"Tax all Churches/mosques and whatever other religious institutions"

Tax them on what exactly?


I think it's folly why religious institutions should be tax-exempt here in Canada. Why should they get special privileges?

--Michael D. Clarke


well , i'm no fan of religion ,

but they arnt a business , there isnt a "cash flow" particuallrly that can be tapped .
they do have money , yes , and it comes from donations from the flock


joel osteen is running a business.


In the US, the vast majority of colleges and universities are tax-exempt and they most definitely a much more obvious way than churches.


Russian bots can no longer spread misinformation across the internet to sway gullible people into believing stupid things.


Looters to be shot on sight. Put an end to this BS once and for all.


Especially the people who looted the US Capitol.


Make all religion illegal, just to piss off conservatives.


Legalese Marijuana for meditation and mental well being


I'd make a Law that takes any and or all Liberals and anyone with Trump Derangement Syndrome and dump them off on a Island and let them run there own system like something out of Lord of the Flies.. Once in a while, I'll fly overhead of the Island and hover long enough to drop a loaf of bread down on to the Island and watch all the Liberals and TDS People flock to it like a bunch of ants..
