MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What do you think of Buddhism?

What do you think of Buddhism?

I've researched it over the last 6 months. It seems attractive to me, so I wanna know your take.

To the newbie, Buddhism is not about blind worship but exploring a method of teachings. These lessons come from a guy who figured it all out after many mistakes. They were not flawless, they had to persevere.

Here are the pros:
• No gods: you think for yourself. You can be critical of the Buddha. (In fact, it's encouraged.)
• You don't require being a monk. You can be a "layperson", most Buddhists are.
• It's deeply technical. It is only about the correct operation of a human being to its core.
• It respects other faiths, such as Judaism and Hinduism. There's never been a Buddhist war.

Here are the cons:
• Many canons (writings) seem ridiculous. Like the Buddha being able to make magic spells, convert people instantly, etc.
• There's a lot of stupid music and "prayer". DONG.. DONG.. DONG.....
• Many monks seem like idiots. They even call each other idiots. (That's allowed.)
• There is a huge amount of superstition and corruption.

Also, there is little intrigue into the advantages of suffering. This is my deepest problem. The central idea of Buddhism is not to achieve enlightenment, but to eliminate suffering. Yet suffering is not an utterly negative experience: it is required for any kind of achievement, including reaching to Buddhism. And if you "desire" for Buddhism, how can that be, when the Buddha is explicit that desire is the cause of suffering?

Thoughts on this extremely important matter please.


No gods: you think for yourself.

Most Buddhists do believe in a god or gods though. A deity is not central to the religion. But for example, Japanese Buddhists will also worship Shinto gods. Tibetan Buddhists are infamous for their many deities. Chinese Buddhists worship ancestral gods.

To say Buddhism is atheistic is a fallacy. It doesn't rule them out.


There are many different types of Buddhism too. Maybe I'm more referring to Theravada (Cambodian) Buddhism, the more orthodox style. You're right in that Shinto is prevalent in Japanese Buddhism.


I'm more familiar with Tibetan Buddhism as I've always been fascinated by Tibet. But they have thousands of gods.

I think the difference between Buddhism and other religions is that a god or gods is not central to "salvation", that is attainment of Nirvana.

However, Nirvana is another issue. If Nirvana is not some superstitious religious concept, then shouldn't scientists be able to describe Nirvana?


There are countless gods; the Buddha was fairly strict in the encouragement to reject deities or even that their teachings should be blindly followed. It seems that any kind of worship is more like the icing on the cake.

A Buddhist would also consider themselves the ultimate 'scientist' rather than paid employees of a company. Their description of enlightenment is not up for debate. If Christianity or Islam is real, why haven't we sent shuttles over to Heaven? (Which would be full of soldiers ready to conquer it?)


From the depictions I've seen in Chinese restaurants he should lay off the dessert.


Then it wouldn’t be fun to rub his belly.


Strangely we have no idea what the he looked like. There are no portraits, drawings or even descriptions of the Buddha. At least Confucius's height was recorded (as nine foot tall).


Nine feet tall? Are you sure?


sounds like most religions.


While several of my siblings were/are Buddhists, I’ve only practiced meditation on and off. At my “peak” of the practice, I was able to open my eyes and briefly experience my environment with what seemed like a high quality of mindfulness, assigning no judgements or preconceptions to anyone or thing in my environment. It was a fascinating experience. Did I continue and develop this ability? Nope, but I just started again a few weeks ago after years.


It's a good scam to suck in the Woke ones.


Try Bokononism.


Ew feet fetishists


If they don't bother me or others with their beliefs, I could care less.

Why can't people just find their own peace and not feel the need to try to convert others to their "truth"?


The wording of the Buddha is very clear; you must be sceptical and not pursue mindlessly. There are no Buddhist "evangelists" who seek to convert the world, and yet it remains one of the most popular religions.


There's never been a Buddhist war.


Buddhism wins , all other religions should now take orders from Buddism , and have any bright new ideas like "human sacrifice" or "kill the unbelievers" or "convert the savages" run through the Buddism office to check its not even more inhumane pointless violence.


Do you really need to run something past an office to check if it's violent or not?


you shouldnt have to no ,but history tells a different story
