MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How old is your current pet

How old is your current pet

Cat called tiger is 18yo.


I do not have a pet.


That’s a real old cat, you must know what you’re doing, nice job.
I love pets!

My mean little doggie is about five years old. I love her but she’s very violent and she often bites me. She’s kind of a vicious jerk but I love her very much. She’s just very moody.

She’s always pacing the floor and paying attention to the whole area, nobody is ever going to sneak up on my house with this tiny lunatic on the loose!

For her breed, Aussie Mini Shepherd, she’s appropriately agile and very spirited but she has an overbite and one floppy ear which will likely keep her from competing in those fancy Westminster Dog Shows.
No matter, she’s my mean little sweetheart, I love her and I suppose she likes me, at least a little bit.


We had a cat, who managed to become twenty years old.


Cats are cool and I’d like a couple around to keep pests away but my daughter is super allergic.


I have a bunch of cats. Oldest is probably 5 or 6, named Duke Silver. Youngest is a year old in August, name's Always.



I have 2 indoor cats who are 1 and 2, then an outdoor feral cat who is 9.


Our cat is almost four years old.


My sweet Domino passed away 2 years ago. He was 12/13 years old at the time (we never could figure out his exact age when we adopted him). He would have been 15/16 years old this year. The sad part is, Siberian Huskies rarely live past age 12, so that would have been a miracle for him to live that long.


My cat 'Felix' is 10 years old
