If not a depressed saddo on other occasions. I am often a huge wonderer who imagines life being simple and me being naturally allowed to at least talk about certain matters including in ambiguous terms and not have others tell me off.
I'm tougher than most of you think, HAHAHA (DEMON laughter). (Seriousness of certain "subjects" aside, more so than anything to do with "police reporting" etc, based off especially on MOVIE scenes.)
There's always a light at the end of the social tunnel for me, haha, even with strict authorities abound. Fine, let them shout at me and condemn me all they bloody want, I ain't afraid. You people have been thinking about those "topics" ALL YOUR LIVES as well so don't play innocent! :)
Also, what would happen in life if we looked at ALL bad deeds and forms of violence the same way and didn't NECESSARILY refer to ahem ahem *one example* as a SPECIAL CRIME? Or is there MORE to this matter than popularity and political correctness as well as the official proof that it really HAS to have that label even more so than MURDER does?
And again, what if the perpetrator in it happened to be an attractive girl/woman and the victim a man, even more than that, what if, like say that scene from one movie by Lars von Trier, it wasn't violently forced but let's say consent wasn't 100%, even if LEGALLY and morally it could be considered IT, victim trauma wise and in terms of feeling negatively towards the perpetrator, how bad IS it, on its OWN AND compared to typical well known examples with male perpetrators, and for obvious reasons too?
ALSO, in real life, people debate ENDLESSLY here about how even that scenario is also bad etc although some people are divided. But in FILMS, it wasn't even recognized much or commented on. And does sexual matters HAVE to be oh so or just in and of itself "taboo"?
And can we find one overall SATISFYING answer here and STOP the constant conflicts and arguing? Including for instance something about our human nature overall, plus, I MYSELF am NOT among the ignorant ones, and I often just want to IGNORE them sometimes for my OWN benefit rather than bring them up constantly, even if, well yeah, in this world, its often impossible to do so.
It also made me wonder about, well, how bad some things are in and of themselves (murder) and how bad others are, that in typical examples people even said were as bad as if not worse than murder, based on several other aspects of the aftermath and personal humiliation that some folks may feel, even if both and other examples are also wrong generally but in some cases the victims CAN survive and recover, in others less so - and in one example, I even wondered, is humiliation even in those areas that big etc or rather small to medium ala some or other examples of SCHOOL BULLYING?
TRANSLATION: OP is fixated on a rape scene in a C movie and spends 50 words trying not to say "rape" while wondering AT you about whether it was wrong. Then imagines the unread reactions to his posts constitute a debate.
Actually, not so much in that other instance "wrong" but, for example, as terrible as murder and as heinous in that other instance as made out to be, not "merely wrong", plus, in that Lars von Trier movie, I wasn't fully sure if that scene was it.
And I was wondering even if it was, if in that instance a female perpetrator should be thought of as a terrible human being or just a person who did the wrong even if yeah maybe they still ought to face legal justice but not any kind of, you know, just IN THAT SENSE.
I consider many things in life wrong that aren't even illegal OR too much immoral either. That one subject for the very most part though isn't among them. But in the case of one movie and where a perpetrator say wasn't male I just simply wondered about how terrible and bad it is overall compared to traditional examples - the latter of which in films, for instance, with male perpetrators, we were subjected to violent revenge scenarios and audiences cheered and understood.
Its not merely a simple case of "was it wrong or wasn't it", I consider stealing wrong for instance too. But rather, in that one other aspect, how monstrous and cosmic evil like IS it REALLY?
My CONSCIENCE ALONE wouldn't allow me to think of those other aspects and things also, regardless of differences and nuances, as simply "not wrong" if you get what I mean. I even get confused and irritated if that type of question is being ASKED, are people anywhere SERIOUSLY expecting anything ELSE?
And in the case of that scene in "Nymphomaniac", I was merely wondering if it was or wasn't it and a little overwhelmed around its internet hype that's all.
Also, I think most of you people probably won't get it or understand it EITHER.
But OK if maybe it was it then so be it, its not that big an issue or a problem to me overall, often, a matter of morbid curiosity, besides, many audiences have agreed it was NOT "it".
The internet repliers around that subject though didn't so much allow me to wonder or themselves "Yeah, but how bad is it really, even from that "other" side" as simply go over the top to smash our faces in their gritty reality as well, on the order of - "Its a nightmare in any case", meaning that, even if it was potentially to happen in that other way, we are being told it is just as wrong and harmful, only some people including "men" with certain fantasies are simply not aware of it.
So they answered it pretty much with "Yeah, its that bad", OK fair enough, it is what it is.
OK but let's move on.
ALSO, I wondered about OTHER FORMS OF VIOLENCE AND WRONGDOINGS AS WELL, not just about that subject, as sensitive an issue as it is though and a fact of life, however sadly.
I am just going through the MOTIONS here of stuff I talked and thought about for years ALREADY, its not so simple as me simply "talking about that subject in movies", I have ALREADY talked about it.
People have asked me here as to why and if I think male and female offenders in this matter AND others matters should be treated same or differently according to law, i.e. potentially higher sentences for some, lesser for others.
I don't have all the answers in the world to this. But if you look around, it is ALREADY happening.
And in CINEMA for instance, it is NOT considered even over the top to hurt or even violently kill in vengeance MALE offenders, and CIVILIZED people accept it. I am NOT suggesting any "reversal tropes" here, but I actually think I CAN understand as to WHY, and its quite a LOT of reasons but also some OBVIOUS ones.
ONE DAY if I oh so HAVE to, I can write an explanation as to why.
What's also funny, many people don't even QUESTION or notice it at all. Looks like some aspects of knowledge are in people's BLOOD that they are also OBLIVIOUS too, and I do NOT blame them.
Also, there's more to it than err "sexual violation", and for OTHER instances like say revenge movie tropes and audiences reactions, well, there's MORE to it than just "that subject".
I spoke about murder in movies by the way more if not a LOT more online AND in real life as well mind you!
OK, let's just move along OK, and as I said already, that wasn't the ONLY subject I wondered about, and I HAVE stopped speaking about it. And let's avoid using, well, mentioning that word here too. Or even any other sexual matters, violations, in movies, or otherwise.
TRANSLATION: OP claims to have already moved on from his fixation on a movie rape scene and calls for the end of the use of the word rape and any direct reference to sexual matters.
Also, to you the subject of revenge scenarios and audiences reactions even in films with that subject, is simply the case of me "talking about movies with and about that subject"?
Heck, I sometimes wondered about who killed who in cinema as well and in films like "Blow Up" (1966) (which I LOVE, its one of my all time very favourite movies) if murder even HAPPENED, but that doesn't mean I am obsessed and unable to stop talking about murder in movies or even otherwise.
(Sensitivity of that other subject aside, and for the most part, I said it already, I know I know.)
And even when I DO de-facto feel attacked, its not always a "bad" thing in my book as long as I can handle it. :) I EVEN had moments here and elsewhere where I ALMOST experienced PLEASURE in the process, then I remembered my Russian upbringing and about being civilized and whatnot and then I started whining in self-pity. :)
So that’s your thing?
Squeezing the juice out of people?
Why? Or just this guy The Man?
I imagine that you and your cohort enjoy this sort of thing. I was entertained by the banter and watching you to type one another into oblivion, but once you explained that it was deliberate, well, that’s just cruel!
Make others’ feel attacked???
Why would you do that?
“Makes OP feel attacked”
That’s deliberate.
I don’t want to dance with you. Do your thing. I’m not into bellicose exchange. You have other’s on here to play with. Take care.
He said "Punch ME more like it." That means that he felt attacked. You took my translation of his words as some kind of declaration of my intent.
Do yourself a favor, new friend: read theMan18's post history. Go through the stages of wanting to help him, not being able to understand him, etc.
No need to fear a dance with me. "Bellicose exchange" (your use of which makes me like you) is not my thing. What you see here is a long-gestating reaction to behavior that you don't have proper perspective on. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not misbehaving.
Nah. I choose not to. It’s not that important to me. All I did was reply not understanding the situation, really not wanting to. Why bother with him? Why trying to help? Why do you all continue to feed the beast? I guess we all get bored. That’s why we are on here, right? Can you help a drug addict or alcoholic that doesn’t want help? Maybe the guy is an energy vampire? Let him be such...
Let him rant. Let him post whatever he chooses. You don’t have to reply. Ignore. Mute. Block. It’s not that hard. Or, use him as a punching bag to let off steam.
He means nothing to me, as a poster who wants attention. As a human, I feel bad for him if he has issues. But for me, it ends there. I’m not taking up for him, I don’t care enough for that. But, if he post something entertaining and/or amusing, I’ll reply. Initially, I found the whole thing amusing at first. Now I just find it sad. Watching the column shrink as it went on. That’s about it. I hope I made myself clear. But to go and read the things that he posted, I’m not going to do that. I’m not that interested...