MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If I love someone but they don't love me...

If I love someone but they don't love me or vice versa...

... then by logic and all that's sacred and holy, do I simply let that person go? Cheers.

P.S. In MOST relationships, how DO people find out and discover that they really do love each other (hey, that rhymes!) and at what exact point may they also figure out they don't? Cheers.


If someone doesn’t love you, then you cannot force it. Accept it and let that person go. If you still have to have contact (as in a work environment), then be cordial/ professional in your conduct and focused only on what is necessary. After a while, it won’t be so difficult and you may end up acquaintances or even friends. Expect nothing. It will free you, in a way, not to be pining over someone you cannot have.


I won't force, not to mention (feel free everyone especially on this website), I don't have the ability to do so. :)


Another blatantly obvious question. SMH.


Or, yet another TROLL post. 🙄


Oh come on, and just because the question is obvious, doesn't mean it has no value to meditate on, you can still go through the process.

P.S. When any of you go for a walk in the park and you see butterflies flying. You probably enjoy the sight and whatnot. BUT, do none of you ever perhaps wonder and realize, that different butterflies have different flying mechanisms they use with regards to how they move their wings, some do it in a bat style and some use frenal and Yugo-frenal mechanisms to move their wings.

SAME with me sometimes making OBVIOUS posts but not MINDING to at least TRY sometimes to go in depth, thank you. My Ultra-authoritarian simple fellow internet inmates, no, no insults. :)


bonnie raitt will set you straight


Who on Earth is that, rex?


Typing "Who on Earth is that, rex?" takes more effort than typing "bonnie raitt" in Google, lol!


You can have anyone you please..... Problem is, YOU don't please anyone. 🙄


i'm gonna use this in a very slow & dramatic delivery




And no one pleases me either, often in the FIRST place.


Well then, you'll just have to pleasure yourself! 😉


I've never been loved back. I'm assuming it's a thing cause they keep making movies about it. But i've only ever been a place holder in people's lives.


You actually considered "not letting go?" How can you even ask this question without being a major creep?

NOTE: I noticed my front page was often short. I knew you were a thread spamming human BEING so I thought I'd CHECK if it was you by taking you off my ignore list. Sure enough. You needn't reply. Your name goes back into the ignore hamper now that I have sated my curiosity.
