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what's the worst thing to spill and try to clean up?



in a drunken romantic fail i attempted to relocate a tray of candles, made for a colorful carpet stain


Alcohol (I mean, what a waste)


Oooh. Oil is a beast, too. Cat litter is a godsend. I've used it many times when I'm not sure what that stain is on my garage floor. I've never had an ink stain, although I have my dad's old desk that has an ink stain inside the main drawer. Yep, I totally understand the waste of alcohol, especially when it's the last of the bottle. Argh. I seem to spill my drink when it's full - not when it's almost gone.


Paint, anything that smears and spreads and or sticks.


Forgotten / exploded champagne bottle in the freezer.


Radium. It's pretty radioactive. You have to be very careful with it so you don't get a dangerous dose.


Wax can be pretty bad


Especially with carpet.


Yeah, for sure. It can be oily, it often contains artificial colouring, it's impossible to clean while still hot and because it's in liquid form, it gets everywhere, but once dried, even harder to clean



The blood from Alien.


You can't really clean that up if you're no longer alive.


Someone has to do it. It’s not going to clean itself you know.


It's a vicious cycle of people dying by cleaning acid. It never ends.


The pesky blood residue that gets into the cracks of the floor, in bathtub drains, hidden on moldings, doors, windows, curtains, the inside of knife handles, on shoes & clothing, especially the high-impact spatter that can be invisible to the naked eye.

I hate that.


This looks to be a pretty domesticated house.That would lead me to believe that in the garage or under the sink, you got a bunch of cleaners and shit like that, am I correct?


They were unavailing, according to the authorities.


Good. What I need you two fellas to do is take those cleaning products and clean the inside of the car. And I’m talkin‘ fast, fast, fast. You need to go in the backseat, scoop up all those little pieces of brain and skull. Get it out of there. Wipe down the upholstery — now when it comes to upholstery, it don’t need to be spic and span, you don’t need to eat off in. Give it a good once over. What you need to take care of are the really messy parts. The pools of blood that have collected, you gotta soak that shit up.


Three words - power washer.


The windows are a different story. Them you really clean. Get the Windex, do a good job. Now we need to raid your linen closet. I need blankets, I need comforters, I need quilts, I need bedspreads.The thicker the better, the darker the better. No whites, can’t use em. We need to camouflage the interior of the car. We’re gonna line the front seat and the backseat and the floor boards with quilts and blankets.


I curse the day they invented Luminol. It's put a real damper on my, shall we say, extracurricular activities.


LE is a real buzz-kill.
