MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do "Karen"'s exist?

Why do "Karen"'s exist?

Where did we go wrong positing that women are untouchable, can't do wrong, are entitled to be jerks to whomever, when ever they want?
Is this an extension of bad parenting? Kids that grew up with trophies every month, and never doing any "wrong"?
Did it escalate after metoo was fired up? Where women are untouchable?
So, they go off on people like they are never wrong, annoying the rest of the normal world.

I'm aware guys are A Holes, we own up to that, we're dicks sometimes and we know it, sometimes we get our faces punched in because of it. But one would EVER punch a girl. Because of this they can get away with KARENing??

I firmly believe we should allow slapping the public, and not be a legal assault provided no one was injured. Maybe this would help people know when they are being stupid and crossing a line, if others put them in their place at the time instead of walking away.
Everyone records everything now, so the footage would show when someone deserved it.


They've never been headbutted for running their mouths.


see? that would help, wouldn't it!




Believe it or not, society has always had "Karens," we just didn't give them a name until the 2010s. And there are men who have been guilty of being loud, snotty, demanding, and just as entitled.

To be honest, the only reason these people are getting so much attention is because we live in a society with phones that can record what happens on video, and be able to post it on the internet in a second, sharing that horrible moment and bringing it to light. Before social media and smartphones, we would deal with people like that and then forget about them, not giving them any notice, similar to fringe groups that people used to ignore too.

A pity we couldn't do to Karens what people used to do to them in Renaissance England. Women who were loud and obnoxious would be ganged up on by the entire neighborhood because their behavior had made the community look bad, and they were punished for that. Punishments usually involved having their heads put in scolding bridles and led around town by a rope with people yelling and throwing stuff at the woman in question. If she didn't "learn her lesson," they'd force her into a ducking stool and dunk her into rivers or lakes over and over again until she "repented."

Of course, we wouldn't be allowed to do that today, because it violates several parts of the Constitution and the law, but we can all dream, right?


right. lawyers now keep us from creating societal peace in our natural way. thus, we're stuck with this insane shit


Mom once told me that before the 1960s, crimes of passion were not prosecuted. It was only after a generation of baby-boomers caused a glut of lawyers that things were changed to give them a reason to take people to court.


this sounds right




Anyone with an older sister has no reason to wonder about why 'Karen's' exist. :)


This is just silly. Women hate Karens just as much as men do. How high of a percentage of the female population do you see as Karens?

Most murderers are men. Where did we go wrong that men are entitled to murder people? Do you see how dumb that sounds? No physical violence should be tolerated in society. That's very childish and not a solution to fixing the disturbed assholes in society.


Topic is specifically about Karen not male murders


Wow . . . uhh, have you heard of an allegory?


Heard you heard of staying on topic?


Oh how sad . . .

An allegory is a story told to explain a topic. The story I told was to explain why it's silly to ask why Karen's exist.


And yet it was asked... and many others responded on topic and are enjoying the discussion. You don't have to. :)




I admit I have used the term "Karen" pejoratively when talking about white women who are annoying in some way or another, but when I analyzed it further, it's another anti-woman term - a "code word" of sorts - that people (yes, including me) use when they want avoid more offensive words for such people (like the b-word and c-word and the various terms for female genitalia.)

I won't deny "Karens" exist, but we should be careful about overuse of the term and not use it to fuel our annoyance with or hate for specific kinds of people. Also, Karens can be anyone, not just white women.


Karens are specifically about white women. I prefer to use the all-encompassing "cunt" instead.


At first glance that seems a bit more honest and overt. But that's good.




I like 'karens'.

You need civic-minded people who speak up when they see something wrong. Some go too far. But the opposite extreme is far worse. I grew up in a high-crime, low-trust city. We kept our heads down & hoped to be left alone.

Think about who benefits with that dynamic. The government can shrug off the needs of its constituents. Corporations can fleece their customers. Gangs can cow bystanders to not "snitch". It sucked & I did everything I could to get out.

Weird to see people get meme'd into believing that was a good thing.


Iā€™ve only seen the term ā€œkarenā€ applied to women who do things like bully fast food servers and shout racial slurs at people. I donā€™t think it applies to brave whistleblowers or courageous people who stand up to injustice. But I can see how ā€œmeme-ingā€ some bad behavior might stop some well-intentioned people from speaking out. No one is sure of their own voice until they speak. In this mob mentality culture, some whistleblowers probably back down in fear of some camera capturing their raw attempt to call-out something truly wrong.


ā€œKarensā€ are not getting away with anything. The term ā€œkarenā€ is term used for public shaming. It applies a pre-established list of motives and offenses onto the offender. IMO, the term is too narrow. There is a lot of entitlement and anger walking around ready to unload on the first person who triggers its attention. It just gets more plays on tik tok when a mom-looking woman does it.

Ok, hope youā€™re joking because legalized assault would put more chaos into an already chaotic world. What if no witnesses, no camera? Ok, prove it was legal. No one is going to learn a lesson by getting slapped, but more and more people are going to walk out the door ready to teach one thus creating more karens and chads.


I guess there will be less baby girls named Karen now like their was a decrease in the name Lolita.


Speaking of names Iā€™ve never met a man named Adolph.
Itā€™s a perfectly nice name but one idiot had to ruin it for the of us.


Adolph had a meat tenderizer - LOL.
