MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > what would make movie theater experience...

what would make movie theater experience better for you?

what would make movie theater experience better for you?

don't just say: no noisy people, cheaper tickets those are an obvious given....

what ELSE would make it better for you? bring in more audiences? make it better


A soundproof booth so I don't have to hear other people. An actual couch or better recliner chair. Ability to pause or rewind film if needed. Not having to pay to watch it.

I'm happier at home. I don't think you'd be able to lure me back.


I do get it.

I go for the HUGE screen and crazy sound system, that I can't afford to install at home. I mean, 90 foot screen... can't even fathtom that at home. 80" TV is great and all... but 90 foot!!!!


I knew a guy who went for the huge TV screen in a normal sized living room. It was overwhelming and you would have to sometimes turn your head to take in all what was happening on screen.

My TV is a decent size, it's fine. I don't need the whole surround sound, huge screen deal. I think you would have to cry after spending big bucks on that stuff and eventually it dies (mostly the TV) and then what? I'm a simple guy.


that's why I just go to the IMAX :D


Will get there one day. Wouldn't mind seeing the new Top Gun on IMAX.


Lots of good ideas here. But I have to say -- I think movie theaters have already done a lot in recent years to make the experience better. Reserved seating, stadium-style seating, recliners, aisles wide enough to allow people to walk to their seats in the middle of a row without tripping over those already seated, and a much wider variety of food and beverage choices.


I agree. Reclining seating and being able to buy tickets online along with your seat was a big deal for me. I remember going to midnight showings decades ago and waiting in line for hours to make sure we didn't get stuck in one of the front rows or have to sit on the steps. I would never want to go back to that.


I can't think of anything that would even get me to go to a theater again. I used to go occasionally for the big screen and big sound, but I got an HD projector 5 years ago and it scratches the big screen itch just fine (and I like my speakers too). Plus I have the benefit of watching whenever I want, being able to pause and FF/RW, always having a perfect seat, and none of the annoyances associated with being crammed together with a bunch of random people.

I also learned how to make movie theater style popcorn quite a few years ago (Flavacol is the key ingredient), so I don't need a movie theater for that anymore either.

I do still like the idea of a drive-in though, especially the one in my area that's in a grassy field surrounded by woods. But the state ruined that for me several years ago when they decided that drive-ins had to ban smoking because they served food (such as popcorn). I won't go to a place where I can't smoke in my own car.


Get rid of trailers or at least put them at the end where they originally were hence "trailers". Previews made sense up until about 20 years ago, but now you can find them online and most people have probably already watched them.

Improve soundproofing. Sometimes I can hear the movie next door and it can be a distraction.




Wow! I like this idea.


having the old crappy chairs back. i can't stand these freakin' recliners all the theaters have now. they also too damn loud now. just show me a movie, i don't need an experience.


I hate those recliners, too. They aren't comfortable. The small chairs that rocked back a little were fine.


I don't like to recline. It makes me sleepy. And the way those chairs are made, you can't sit up in them and your feet don't touch the ground. Also, I like to sit literally on the edge of my seat in action scenes. You can't do that either.
