MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Covid was a leak from the Wuhan lab

Covid was a leak from the Wuhan lab

That's now what the US government is saying.

So will China be held accountable?


SARS breaks out in the one city in China where there is a lab that researches SARS. Let's get the statisticians and royal astronomers out to scrye the possibilities and find the """truth.""" They better not come to the wrong conclusion though or they will be sent to the racism concentration camp.

Pretty obvious.

But it doesn't matter. Nothing will be done and there will be zero accountability. China does whatever it wants and no one will ever stop them short of war. And if you try to stop them that way then you are a war-mongering devil and will be portrayed as absolute evil.


Not if it was transported to China with the intent to be leaked.


the evidence for this is picking up steam :

The source of the coronavirus that has left more than 3 million people dead around the world remains a mystery. But in recent months the idea that it emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) — once dismissed as a ridiculous conspiracy theory — has gained new credence.

How and why did this happen? For one, efforts to discover a natural source of the virus have failed. Second, early efforts to spotlight a lab leak often got mixed up with speculation that the virus was deliberately created as a bioweapon. That made it easier for many scientists to dismiss the lab scenario as tin-hat nonsense. But a lack of transparency by China and renewed attention to the activities of the Wuhan lab have led some scientists to say they were too quick to discount a possible link at first.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) from the start pointed to the lab’s location in Wuhan, pressing China for answers, so the history books will reward him if he turns out to be right. The Trump administration also sought to highlight the lab scenario but generally could only point to vague intelligence. The Trump administration’s messaging was often accompanied by anti-Chinese rhetoric that made it easier for skeptics to ignore its claims.

As a reader service, here is a timeline of key events, including important articles, that have led to this reassessment. In some instances, important information was available from the start but was generally ignored. But in other cases, some experts fought against the conventional wisdom and began to build a credible case, rooted in science, that started to change people’s minds. This has led to renewed calls for a real investigation into the lab’s activities before the coronavirus emerged.


But the media told me it was that Orange Fucker's fault???

What the hell?


His fault for not taking it seriously and holding superspreader events.


Gee what was the name of that President who called it the China virus....
