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In this new culture of movies, what can be expected of movies that are supposed to be at earlier points of history

Should be interesting to see how the future decides to rewrite the past, you certainly can't get away with an all white cast anymore, but putting a POC in a degraded role such as kitchen servant is equally offensive.


I think you are just going to see less of them. History films aren't generally money makers.

Depictions of slavery just bums everyone out.


You don't even need to go that far back, will we see more stuff like Hamilton where they POC-wash people who would historically be white? How about just going back to the 1920's. I'd say that plenty of shows like taking place in the early past, but have to deal with the color issue since POC wouldn't historically be in important roles.


The problem is that people who see historical movies tend to be history buffs like me. The more inaccurate they are, the less respected and hence less 💰 they will earn.

Hollywood writers will have to figure out a balance of accuracy and being non offensive to maximize profits. Difficult, but not impossible.


It's not difficult. All Hollywood would have to do is actually make movies about historical events that actually involved minorities--for example, biopics about famous figures from the past, like Frederick Douglas, Tecumseh, Geronimo and countless other people.


In America cooperations were recently forced to remove a Native American from it's butter package. A movie about Tecumseh or Geronimo would be problematic because some people would accuse Hollywood of trying to profit from Indian defeat.

Blacks make only 13% of American the population, and as Chris Rock says, "Blacks really don't like history". Serious well done biopics of black leaders would be welcome, but investors know that the audience is lacking.


Chris Rock is a pandering idiot and the very type of black person that Malcolm X would've mopped the floor with and James Baldwin would've done everything in his power to decline talking about. So, of course he would say something like that. He also said that blacks don't like to read. He says a lot of stupid things about blacks. That's why so much of his base consists of whites.


I think Chris Rock is popular with whites is because he is hilarious.

The "just one rib" scene


He is popular because he's hilarious...and panders to them.


he was great at the end of "Jay and Silent Bob sb"
as a militant black director , all hatin' on white people
It was hilarious.
I dont know if thats "pandering" exactly

I'm guessing the far right element on this board would get all triggered about that.


I see..are you suggesting that blacks want a comedian who makes them laugh and at the same time pisses off the White race?


I'm not really talking about history movies so much as movies / shows that just take place at a point in time where pretending the racial dynamic doesn't exist causes a large sense of disbelief for anyone even remotely familiar with that time in history.

Heck, bring up westerns instead of history movies for this. You can give your POC's the stereotypical roles that are expected in a western, or just say "screw it, racism didn't exist in the past, nor did sexism... we can have a modern day western where all that bad stuff never happened"


What was that flop of a Western film with Kline and Will Smith? Probably like that.

Movies are already a distortion of reality. I was watching a MLB baseball game last night and as the camera panned in the crowd I thought we are one FAT nation. A good 50% of the crowd was obese or morbidly obese. In Hollywood films its maybe 5%.

Hollywood is a business, they know what people want to see.. reality is not a high priority.


What was that flop of a Western film with Kline and Will Smith? Probably like that.

You know what else was a flop? Cat Ballou, where Stubby Kaye and Nat King Cole sang side by side. Oh, wait--that wasn't a flop. Never mind.

BTW, it's clear that you've never seen Wild, Wild West--not the movie or the TV show. Either that, or you're just being intellectually dishonest. This implication that it flopped because it wasn't true to the racial dynamics of the Old West outs you. Wild, Wild West was a sci-fi/fantasy show that was like a cross between James Bond and The Avengers. Nothing about the show was remotely realistic; it was about as realistic as Gilligan's Island.

The movie version flopped for the same reasons so many TV show to movie adaptations flopped. The show had catered to 1960s audiences, but the movie rebooted the series to appeal to GenXers. So, the movie didn't resemble the TV show in spirit, humor or sensibility. The characters were different, the look was different, the humor was snarky, it was "noisy" (lots of explosions and special effects), etc. Naturally, the 60 and 70 year olds who had watched the show weren't going to enjoy a movie rebooted for a younger generation.

That's what happened. You MC regulars have really gotten used to just spouting a lot of incorrect factual nonsense. That's why I reregistered. It was getting sickening all of these threads and seeing so much nonsense being posted.


I as well as all the other regulars are sure glad to welcome another troll🙂

MY point was Will Smith's character was NOT treated like a second class citizen, answering the OP's question.

YOU went in a rabid rant on Wild Wild West credentials.




The point I was trying to make was that Will
Smith's character wasn't treated like a second class citizen in that movie.

I thought people would catch bad





Right! That is what the OP was asking...this movie is the answer.

Second class status, and humiliation scenes will be non existent or watered down...even in a more realistic story.


it really depends upon whether accurately depicting race relations in, say, the 30s is intrinsic to the story.

subjecting minority actors to roles that would be humiliating isn't good theater or politics. it is, of course, a sensitive issue. if handled intelligently, it can be done.


True and even if the film isn't based on a true story for example something mythological or a folk tale, I still want the cast to look right. In the TV Series Merlin they cast an Indian as Guinevere! It is English mythology!

In the TV show Vikings you have Shield Maidens taking on huge men in hand to hand combat! Shield Maidens did exist but I doubt there were armies of them depicted in the show.


So what? It's not like they are trying to hide anything. Hamilton is not meant to be a documentary. I suppose it is mean to be inclusive of the same American BS myths we are all told how great we are .... against the reality of actual history, and the present day where are dead last by most measures in quality of life. Whatever will make money is what gets worshipped, so making sense barely registers.


I expect men to be shown cleaning and sweeping.


And changing baby.


Well, this is a stupid (and obnoxious) loaded question, because it assumes that there can be no such thing as a historically accurate movie with minorities that casts them in a positive light without revisionism. In other words, America was a completely white country until recently, so any historical movie that predates, say, 1960 will have to be "rewritten" to accommodate today's cultural climate.

You are wrong.


Thank you, minababe!


You're welcome. :-)


Actually, I wrote this because of my disbelief with Frankie Drake Mysteries where racism and sexism just doesn't seem to exist in the 1920's. We already are rewriting history, that you're turning a blind eye to it doesn't change that.


The two trolls just pretend to not understand what you're talking about.


If people are trolls, REPORT THEM.

Okay? I've tried my best to refrain from telling people off since returning to this site, but I'll make an exception in your case and anyone else who pulls that "troll" card.

Don't call anyone a "troll" unless they're making a reportable offense or you're ready to report them. Otherwise, you're just another pathetic immature child who thinks the internet forums are places where you and antisocial losers get to dominate discussions and say whatever you want without others calling you out on it.

P.S. If you're not an American, don't comment about what's going on in our politics and culture. The thing I realized last year is that we were never really divided; it was foreign nationals like you that were dividing us. As an American I can tell you that your views are neither appreciated or wanted by us. Worry about what's going on in your own culture.


"P.S. If you're not an American, don't comment about what's going on in our politics and culture. The thing I realized last year is that we were never really divided; it was foreign nationals like you that were dividing us. As an American I can tell you that your views are neither appreciated or wanted by us. Worry about what's going on in your own culture."

Lol, I'd forgotten you were THAT loonie troll.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I did call the local Witcher about taking care of some of these trolls, so they better watch out when he gets here!


^ This is the new Alt Right/white supremacist talking point being circulated around the internet. It's known as "concern trolling." The idea is that it's oh, so sad and horrible that minorities and women in historical fiction are actually being shown in a positive context in the past, because it's rewriting their "history."

Aww, they're so concerned about depicting the oppression of women and minorities realistically. Never mind that these same Alt Righters were ranting and screaming that hated all of these "realistic, true to life" docudramas about slavery, racism and sexism that they argued only served to demonize white men.

You can see the irony, can't you? Having realistic historical movies and TV shows depicting women and blacks in an equally realistic context is not okay, because that's demonizing white people. But then having fictional historical movies and TV shows in which women and blacks are shown not being oppressed, that's bad, too.

Gosh, the contradiction would almost make you think that this "not true to history" crap is cynical nonsense, that the people pushing this talking point are just misogynists and bigots who don't want to see blacks or women in any capacity. Kinda like how this same brigade started attacking completely sci-fi, fantasy-based futuristic IPs as Star Trek and Star Wars for also not being "realistic." Hmm, kinda makes you wonder.


Lol... you're such a troll. There's no such thing as "concern trolling", that's a term invented by trolls because they don't want to admit they're trolls. If you can't handle that the reality is contrary to what you want to believe it is, just admit it. Don't go pretending to care about discussion when the reality is you don't even believe the stuff you're spewing.

The fact is, you're so offended by the simple fact that the past was sexist that you need to have TV shows where the past doesn't have all that stuff going on. It's not about showing women in a positive light, it's about removing the sexism and racism completely from history. You have something like Miss. Fisher set in the same time period but she constantly gets flack for being a woman, you don't have to destroy history just because you're too much of a coward to face reality.

The Frankie Drake Mysteries isn't about putting women and minorities in a positive light, it's about erasing the fact that racists ever existed. I mean, seriously... NO ONE is sexist and NO ONE is racist in the series... but a troll like you would rather claim this is "concern trolling" than admit the fact you're so delicate that you cannot handle criticism.


The Wright brothers were actually black.


And retarded. Did you see that ridiculous looking plane!


They won't make the "POC" a servant they will just rewrite history and make the "POC" the King of England or whatever. You will find whole tribes of Black and Mixed Race Vikings, Asian looking Scottish Highlanders, Indian Cossacks etc etc.

They don't care about anything other than their racist and stupid ideology.

The only time you will have all Whites is when they make films about NAZI Germany. Or the Democrat backed KKK.



That sounds like a poetic justice... after all POCs are historically the villains of movies. So white people will become the new villains and when you see a bunch of white people helping an old lady move out of her house your first assumption will be that they're white supremacists who are robbing the old lady.

Wait... what was this supposed to be fixing again?


Albert Einstein was a black gangbanger from the hood.


I'd watch that.


E=MC Hammer


Anything historical that is almost entirely white will feature some minority actor in a role that they have no business playing because diversity is more important than being accurate. Imagine what would happen if Schindler's List was made today.


eeeyyyy yooooo dog Schindler homebody we gottta get these Jews some fake papers ASAP rocky before these Nazis get up in here and start poppin all they white asses


The nasty German's would still all be white, except maybe Schindler himself who they might make mixed race given he is supposed to be the hero of the story.

The Jews.. hmmm tricky one! Do you mix up the races or throw in a few persecuted Gypsies and Homosexuals for good measure?


