MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your Theories Why Classical Music (Fans)...

Your Theories Why Classical Music (Fans) Is Respected, But Pop Isn't

I'm guessing people have snap judgements in relation to the music and the fan. I love classical music, but can't say I listen to a lot of it. Part of that is because I haven't discovered much, and I'm usually expanding my 60/70s (even after almost 30 years).

I think it's because of the people's perception of the fans. We seem to communicate mostly online now, so this is the only context we have - text.. If someone reads, "I love classical music", people don't think "I bet that guy is poor and ignorant".

Also, I think people get this aristocratic image of clothes from the 18th century, the wigs, an image of "proper" society, so even those who don't listen to classical music might have better judgement when they read someone who does. If someone said "Rock and Roll", some might think of ripped up jeans, rebellion (although that image seems to have disappeared)

I was reading something a week ago or so, and the reviewer kept talking about the "maturity" in the music, and the melodies, as if there isn't music from Pink Floyd that might be aesthetically more pleasing to the ears, maybe even those who listen to both. I think music has more objectivity when it comes to the arts. If you hear a wonderful melody, everything outside of it would be irrelevant. Unfortunately in the social-media era, a lot of the music talk seems to be everything except the music.


There a sense of intelligence behind classical compositions, whereas pop music inspires by its blandness and simplicity.
