Do you drink plant milk?
No, I'm not a vegetarian, but I find that they are surprisingly tasty! So far I've tried almond, coconut and oat, the latter which I think is the best due to its creamy consistency.
shareNo, I'm not a vegetarian, but I find that they are surprisingly tasty! So far I've tried almond, coconut and oat, the latter which I think is the best due to its creamy consistency.
shareNo. In my book, fluid from plants is not milk. Actual milk comes from cows. But I certainly understand that many folks like non-dairy "milk," due to allergies or just a taste preference.
shareYeah, I get it. I think its refereed to as a "milk" because its used as milk would be. I still drink the real stuff and often have it in my fridge, but theres no reason we can't drink both! I like the variety. Oat for example goes great in coffee or scrambled eggs.
shareYou have a point in that it's used as regular milk is.
shareAh ! A milk added to scrambled eggs person.
I heard this a long time ago, did it a few times, but somehow was dissuaded from continuing.
Not dissuaded, but it seemed like an old wives tale, an unnecessary step.
So I might try it again if it occurs to me.
Btw, I don't cook much.
I wonder if restaurants do this? It does seem a little weird now that I think of it. Omelettes on the other hand I do not add milk.
shareI recently came across an online list of the best milks to drink. Oat milk was ranked #1, almond 3rd I think, and cow's milk, smack in the middle. Also, I learned most of the best almond milk comes from California and that particular industry has contributed significantly to the wildfire epidemic in that state. Just some food for thought.
shareAlmonds in general require an insane amount of water and are mostly grown in a State which is having water supply issues. Another concern is the strain its having on the honeybee population. Colonies are trucked in to pollinate the trees and a large percentage end up dying from the pesticides.
shareThis is the main reason I'll never get into almond milk. It's not very good for the environment.
shareGlad you are pointing this out. We need to balance our environment, for the good of -- everything !
(I think over population of humans is the heart of the problem, but we can't really expect us to dial back our procreation, considering the various cultural opportunities there are for having a lot of kids. But I digress.)
I just remembered there's a brand of almond milk called "Malk" lol.
shareNice! 😛 When we were growing up, one of my brothers pronounced milk as melk.
shareI love quirky pronunciations. I'll always remember how my grandmother used call horses "husses." I think its a Maine thing.
shareBack in high school a very good friend of mine and I used get silly by pronouncing words and names differently. Crest toothpaste became kreest. Lavender became luhVENdor. Yes, we got the giggles quite a lot. One of my grandsons and I have a game we play where we reverse letters in a name or word. Furniture Mart becomes Murniture Fart, or applesauce becomes sappleauce.
sharei am a vegetarian, but i generally only buy soy or almond milk when i need it for cooking. i don't mind them, but it's not something that's part of my regular diet. i rarely drank milk in my pre-veg days.
shareI mostly use it in my coffee and cooking. I'm not a cereal person either, so I don't go through a lot.
shareI found that oat milk lasts much longer than the printed expiration date on the carton, which is already longer than even highly pasteurized cow's milk. The vanilla flavored oak milk tastes very good, almost as good as gorilla milk.
shareThanks for the input because I've been wondering about this. I've read online that oat milk only lasts 7-10 days once opened, but I'm going on 2 1/2 weeks and its still fine.
shareThe people who posted that online probably work for the cow's milk industry. All food manufacturers want you to throw away food and buy more, when it is still good.
The study that showed that drinking wine was good for your health was commissioned by the wine industry. They were lying.
This is why I'm always reminding my family that the sell by date isn't an expiration date! I mostly use the smell/taste test.
Concerning wine, I guess it depends on the study you look at. Small amounts can have health benefits, but obviously excess alcohol isn't good for your health.
Well I for one am never drinking milk from a gorilla. I'd hate to be the person whos job it is to milk them!
shareYou probably had mppm milk as a baby, but don't remember. Why I got gorilla milk:
shareI tried almond and oat. The almond does not go well with tea. They were both ok with cereal. I just went back to cow's milk though.
It's all about the tea !
I noticed certain brands of almond milk curdle in hot liquids, so I mostly use oat in my coffee.
I used to drink a lot of tea, but have since switched to Yerba Mate, which is very popular in South America.
I remember learning that if you buy a frozen pizza and it is “Cheese Pizza” it has to use real cheese but if it says “Pepperoni Pizza” it doesn’t have to have real cheese in it. So pizzas from the same brand would often have or not have real cheese depending on the label.