Name some companies that you were sad to see go under.
Name some companies that you were sad to see go under. I'll start:
1. Toys "R" Us
2. Circuit City
3. Sears
4. Kmart
Name some companies that you were sad to see go under. I'll start:
1. Toys "R" Us
2. Circuit City
3. Sears
4. Kmart
Radio Shack. It died long ago, but maintained its existence as an undead corpse for many years. In the olden times you could pick up whatever capacitors, diodes, inductors, and so on you needed. They even had raw circuit boards and supplies for etching them. The sales people were usually pretty knowledgeable about electronics
Later (their first and real death) they dumped all that in favor of car audio gear, CB radios, and other such things. I went into our local Radio Shack a few years ago because I needed some alligator clips. The sales guy didn't have a clue what alligator clips were. When I explained, all he could do was point me to a tiny corner and say "we've got a bunch of components and wire and other stuff over there,"
Then our local one went out of business, along with a lot of their other franchises. About a third survived but I don't know if they're still around now. But for all practical purposes Radio Shack died long ago.