MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you racist?

Are you racist?

Yes you are.


I don’t think that’s for me to decide.


That's why I did it for you.


Everyone is "racist", it's in the genes. The instinct to fight for the tribe you belong to against the outsiders. It's a survival instinct and when push comes to shove it expresses itself with extreme prejudice. As usual the Woke Brigade have no idea what they are talking about when they prattle on about "racism".


but you, of course, do.

pat answers r us.

race & racism are very complex subjects, encompassing history, socioeconomic analysis, yes innate factors of tribalism, the interposition of various ideological devices to justify/dismiss/distort the facts on the ground.

i agree with the OP. we are, indeed, all to some extent racist. what matters is how we respond to our fellow human beings in the context of our own baser instincts. do we abet them, or rise above them.


pat answers r us

Pot meet kettle.

To quote the Donald " It is what it is " and no amount of denial, redefining, qualifying or "finessing" will change it or make it go away. The Woke Brigade think they can "solve" racism if only they can "re-educate" people. But they can't because it's not a matter of re-education. You can't reason with evolution or what is in our DNA.


i'm not trying to convince you. just pointing out your arrogant ignorance.


Well you have failed on both counts.


Everyone is "racist", it's in the genes. The instinct to fight for the tribe you belong to against the outsiders. It's a survival instinct and when push comes to shove it expresses itself with extreme prejudice.


Wokes can't just accept that, and they're trying to compensate so hard that they're destroying white countries.

It's like the old Christian puritans that were obsessed with sexuality. They couldn't accept that sex is human instinct, they saw promiscuity and licentiousness everywhere (the same way wokes see racism everywhere), they felt guilty constantly and they were trying to compensate so hard that they ended up demonizing anything related to sex. Wokes have the same relation with races that puritans had with sex.


Well said! The Iroquois and Huron were racist way before the black and white issue.


No, I'm not.


That's just what I would expect a homophobe to say! Admit it, you've killed someone while you were high on the marijuana, haven't you?


It wasn't marijuana. It was crack and cocaine. And I only killed a few people that I didn't like, so it is all good.


Phew...As long as it wasn't the Green Demon, everything is fine.


They would have eventually died anyway.


That's true.


I'm starting to be. I hate the human race!


There are too many of us. It's unhealthy.


Next thing you know, there will be diseases running wild and people starving!


I hate dwarves and orcs.


Oh ho ho! So you've got something against little people too!


Halflings are kind of ok and Billy Barty was a fine actor.


All of them except twidget the midget.


I'm white, so according to a lot of people out there, I'm inherently racist and there's nothing I can do about it.


99% of racists are convinced they aren't racist!

And that's why the whole "I identify as ________" thing is such bullshit, most human beings identify as something they aren't, starting with fucking racists who identify as social scientists.


I grew up thinking racism was a thing of the past. Multiracial environment in all of my schooling. Never any racism. Only in my adulthood did I see more and more ... not actual racism but more and more complaining about racism. Usually by whites complaining on behalf of an aggrieved class they are acting as savior for. The idea that racism was getting worse was what was getting worse. A drum beat but no war to go with it. Well decades of that drum beat haven't made anything better. Is there racism? Of course. There are still some out there that judge by color of skin. Is it as bad or wide spread as it is being portrayed? I don't think so but it's changing for the worse. Perception is reality. The narrative you push is the reality you get.


i guess you don't talk to a lot of black people.


I do and most black people I know say they don't even any white people.


what are you trying to say, that most blacks you know don't believe racism is real problem? i don't believe you.
