MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Two questions for Americans.

Two questions for Americans.

What is your with obsession with getting "I voted" stickers after you have voted? People complain when they don't get one. Furthermore, what is with your obsession with posting a picture of yourself with the sticker on social media?


This American doesn't do that.


Of course not all.


I don't care about 'I voted' stickers, they're like 'I drove in the snow last winter' or 'I screwed my spouse on Sunday' stickers if there were such things...who cares?

No social media for me, not ever, I prefer to anonymously bore strangers on MC about my boring life😂


Anonymously? You mean your name isn't Shogun Yonkers?


Well, it is, but only because my dad had a weird sense of humor🙄


Canada manages to have a federal election in 30 days. I have worked many an election at all levels and never have seen lineups like in the US.


I've worked many elections as well, and I much prefer them. I don't know how Americans can stand how long the campaigns are. I always vote early as well. I guess because we still do it old school with a pencil there isn't much voter fraud either.


I remember John Oliver showing a clip from CBC news I think, where the anchor said that Canada was having a lengthy campaign run at five weeks. The whole crows started to laugh because they knew how long their elections go on for.


The longest our campaigns can last is 50 days.


I think they try to do too much in one year. Some states are voting for President, Governor, Senator, Congress and State Reps next week. It is just too much. We would never have a federal and provincial election on the same day.


That's true. But they also drag out the presidential election for way too long. With the primaries and such it's like a year long road.


It's crazy. We keep hearing about so many people coming in late too. And then there's all that talk about voter fraud.


If people knew what those stickers cost the taxpayers, they wouldn't want them.


I've thought about that too. It's not like some company is donating them. The American government actually has voting stickers in their budget.


I've heard they cost around .15 a piece! 100 million stickers would be 15 million wasted bucks! I think they are paid for by the individual states, but I don't care about the sticker and I've voted in every election for the last 25 years.


It's never seemed like an obsession to me. It's just a way to encourage people to vote, I think. If they ran out of them at the polls I don't think many people would care.


When I had my Twitter account I would see people complain all the time for not getting them. I still have my Instagram and I've seen posts of people complaining that you can't get a sticker by mail-in voting.


Mine is still in my car, unstuck. Lol.


I didn't get a sticker.

Were there stickers??????



Breathe in. Breathe out. You're gonna get through this.


They like stickers.
