I take exceptionally good care of my skin BUT, the mask is making me break out. I talked to my doctor about it and she said that wearing a mask can interrupt the natural flow of blood to your skin which can cause breakouts and dry skin. She did suggest wearing a cotton mask as opposed to a paper mask because paper masks are bad for the skin. Also, masks will trap in sweat on your face which can also cause breakouts. Makes me so mad. Dumb masks. I wish we didn't have to wear them anymore!!!!!
There's nothing arbitrary or nonsensical about it. Mask use is a large part of why the virus has been relatively well-contained in various East Asian countries, where wearing masks to stop virus transmission was already a common practice. Covid has been hitting hardest in places where people are reluctant to do what's necessary to stop its transmission due to a culture of rampant individualism in which everyone thinks they should be able to do as they please because they know better than medical professionals.
While I disagree with you, I want to thank you for a well reasoned and polite response. There is so much name calling and insults, instead of discourse going on. It is refreshing to get a nice response like yours.
I do not disagree with you about masks preventing infection. There is a reason they are worn in surgery. I disagree with you about the rules being arbitrary and non-sensical. In New York, you can not order drinks alone from a bar, but it is fine if you order food. How does getting a few peanuts or french fries on the side stop the virus. Large public funerals can be held for John Lewis and RBG, but ordinary people can not have a small gathering for a funeral or wedding. The number of elected officials violating the restrictions they place on others is so high, that its a joke. If they believe in these restrictions, why do they only apply for other people?
Does it actually work? I have seen people with open face shields, and that makes no sense. Air will just go around the shield if there is no seal to the face.
Yes, it is better than nothing. Still, a lot of seems like coronavirus theater, sort of like the security theater at airports. Things are done to make a big show of protecting people, that often don’t make sense. When I see all people wearing bandannas or masks under their chin, I wonder what they think that is doing.
And the people wearing masks when they are by themselves. I’m not talking about people walking through a mall. I see hikers in the woods, with no one else anywhere near them, wearing masks. Are they protecting the chipmunks?
No ethical, responsible doctor would agree to that. I'd rather have a few pimples now than have my fingers fall off due to poor circulation from pneumonia.
There are many reasons people can be exempt from wearing a mask here in the U.K.
If the state of wearing a mask was causing mental health problems or distress, you’re exempt.
Can they just give those people an emotional support monkey (also with a mask to minimize the chance of the virus jumping species and decimating the populations of our simian friends)? That way, they can stay safe in a mask, be anxiety free and have a little helper to fetch you beer. And if you ever get into a feces fight, you've got the upper hand with such a veteran of dung flinging on your side.
The whole mask thing is ridiculous. I keep hearing conflicting reports, such as:
"The masks will keep you from breathing in people's faces, so even if you're asymptomatic with Covid-19, you won't spread it."
"The masks don't do a danged thing, and don't keep out germs."
"The cloth masks are woven in a way germs can still easily get in."
I've refused to get a permanent, washable mask simply for this reason. In fact, I only wore one of those Hannibal Lector black masks with a filter my brother got me because one time, dad and I were walking the dog when there was still smoke and ash outdoors, and we didn't want to breathe it in. Of course, the dog had no such protection.
Only reason I wear the masks while shopping is because they won't let you in or buy anything if you're not wearing one. So I play along with their stupid game and put one on after parking the car.
I mostly stick to disposable paper masks, and wear them as little as possible. In fact, my dad's habits worry me a lot, because he wears them while driving in the car, claiming he doesn't wanta fiddle with them when we get to the store, and yet guess what he does in the car? He keeps fiddling with his glasses and mask...while driving; including taking his hands off the wheel for 2 seconds at a time. It has driven me nuts because he could kill us doing that!
I hate the masks as much as you, and will not miss them when this stupid virus scare is over. In fact, I look forward to "The Great Mask Burning" that I hear will take place when it's confirmed that the disease is no longer a problem. People all over the world will be throwing their masks into great piles and lighting bonfires in celebration.
Only reason I wear the masks while shopping is because they won't let you in or buy anything if you're not wearing one. So I play along with their stupid game and put one on after parking the car.
Have retail assistants had to wear them?
Here in the UK it’s only until very recently (the last week) that staff in shops, restaurants etc HAVE to also wear a mask, like the customers.
I’ve found it bizarre that they haven’t before, but all customers have had to for a while now.
I can't wait for this charade to be over, regardless of what big-mouth Kowalski says. This disease isn't as deadly to most people as the news made it out to be, and I have yet to meet anyone who actually caught it. As far as I can tell, everyone I've met in town or interacted with at stores seems virus-free. I would only worry at nursing homes or in homes with big families and elderly relatives living there, and I don't visit either type of environment.
I agree with you. My husband and I know one person who got it and he quarantined for one week. He said it was the equivalent of getting a bad head cold; he had a fever and a sore throat and a dry cough too. After week was over, he was fine. I think the whole world has gone mad....!!!!
A friend of the family--who was healthy as a horse--died from it in March, and the brother of a receptionist at my father's doctor died from it that same week. My sister, who works at a hospital, had to be moved to a different part of the hospital because it didn't have enough room to keep all the dead bodies before sending them out to the morgue.
So, big whoopty do. You didn't experience a death firsthand, encounter someone whose loved one died from it or have a relative work in ER. But your experiences don't match that of others, and the rest of society shouldn't have to accommodate your narcissism. Very few people have contracted and died from rabies in the US, but that also doesn't mean everyone shouldn't take precautions if there's a rabies alert.
I live in a different country and have a strong regional accent....so mask wearing doesn’t help other people, for example retail assistants, understand what I’m saying 🤦🏼♂️😂